A Guide to Spring AI Advisors
1. Overview AI-powered applications are our new reality. We’re widely implementing various RAG applications, and prompt APIs, and creating impressive projects using LLMs. With Spring AI, we can...
View ArticleFind Elements with Max Difference in Java Array
1. Introduction In this tutorial, we’ll explore different approaches to finding the maximum difference between any two elements in an array of integers in Java. We’ll demonstrate the problem using an...
View ArticleRemoving All Non-alphabetic Characters From String Array in Java
1. Introduction When working with text data in Java, it’s common to encounter situations where we need to clean strings by removing non-alphabetic characters. This task can be essential for text...
View ArticleMono.fromCallable vs. Mono.justOrEmpty in Spring Reactive
1. Overview In Reactive Programming, handling and transforming data streams is crucial for building responsive applications. Two commonly used methods for creating Mono instances are Mono.fromCallable...
View ArticleDisable Spring Autowiring for a Certain Bean
1. Overview While working on Spring Boot projects, we might face a situation where there is a requirement to disable autowiring of beans. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to disable autowiring for...
View ArticleAutomated Browser Testing With Selenium
1. Overview Most businesses now rely on websites and web applications, with nearly every organization operating online. Since they connect with end users and customers, websites and web apps must work...
View ArticleIntroduction to LWJGL
1. Overview The Lightweight Java Game Library (LWJGL) is a powerful open-source library that allows Java developers to interact with native APIs for 3D graphics, sound, and input handling. People...
View ArticleHow to Check if All Map Values Are the Same
1. Introduction In this article, we’ll explore various methods for checking if all values in a Java Map are the same. We’ll examine methods such as conventional loops and the Stream API while...
View ArticleDebugging Quarkus Applications
1. Overview In this tutorial, we’ll learn and compare the different options for debugging a Quarkus application. They all have one thing in common: We need a debugging client (usually an IDE) that...
View ArticleHow to Pass Object to Modal Dialog in Thymeleaf?
1. Overview Creating a modal dialog in a web application is a common requirement for user interactions, such as displaying forms, confirming actions, or presenting information. In a Spring application...
View ArticleEmbedded MariaDB Using MariaDB4j
1. Introduction MariaDB is an alternative database engine to MySQL, written by the original developers of MySQL and compatible as a drop-in replacement. In this article, we’re going to explore the...
View ArticleSetting the Gradle JVM in IntelliJ IDEA
1. Overview In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to change the JVM version in IntelliJ Gradle projects. This will work on both Community and Ultimate Editions of IntelliJ. 2. Gradle JVM Setup in IntelliJ...
View ArticleJava Weekly, Issue 569
1. Spring and Java >> Why Spring AI: The Seamless Path to Generative AI [spring.io] Integrating an LLM into your system, along with solid observability, is all made quite doable by Spring AI....
View ArticleMapping OffsetDateTime ZoneOffset With Hibernate TimeZoneColumn
1. Overview It’s common to persist a timestamp in Java applications and generally, the UTC timestamp is preferred to avoid time zone complexities. However, it may be required to store the timestamps...
View ArticleMono just() vs defer() vs create() in Reactive Programming
1. Introduction Mono is a central concept in reactive programming, particularly in Project Reactor. It represents a stream that emits at most one item and then completes successfully or with an error....
View ArticleTurn Unstructured Data Into Structured Data With Camel Quarkus and Quarkus...
1. Overview Data extraction is a common challenge when working with unstructured content. We can use a Large Language Model to address this challenge. In this article, we’ll learn how to build...
View ArticleHibernate Group-By Using Criteria API
1. Overview Hibernate is a powerful ORM framework that allows us to focus less on SQL and more on working with Java objects. The Criteria API provides a programmatic way to build database queries and...
View ArticleConfiguring @MockBean Components Before Application Start
1. Introduction @MockBean is an annotation provided by the Spring framework. It helps create a mock object of a Spring bean, allowing us to replace the actual bean with a mock during testing. This is...
View ArticleQuickly Building a JAR File in Eclipse
1. Overview In this article, we’ll learn how to quickly build a JAR file in the Eclipse IDE. We’ll follow two approaches. First, we’ll use the Eclipse-specific .jardesc file for quick JAR creation....
View ArticleHow to Check if Two Boolean Values Are Equal
1. Overview In programming, some tasks seem deceptively simple like checking if two boolean values are equal. While this might sound trivial, there are several approaches to achieve this, each with...
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