Java Web Weekly 42
I usually post about Dev stuff on Twitter - you can follow me there: Follow @baeldung At the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on...
View ArticleA Spring Custom Annotation for a Better DAO
1. Overview In this tutorial, we’ll implement a custom Spring annotation with a bean pre-processor. So how does this help? Simply put – we can reuse the same bean instead of having to create multiple,...
View ArticleJava Web Weekly 43
I usually post about Dev stuff on Twitter - you can follow me there: Follow @baeldung At the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on...
View ArticleGridFS in Spring Data MongoDB
1. Overview This tutorial will explore one of the core features of Spring Data MongoDB: interacting with GridFS. The GridFS storage spec is mainly used for working with files that exceed the...
View ArticleSpring Bean Annotations
1. Overview In this article, we’ll discuss the most common Spring annotations used to define different types of beans. There are several ways to configure beans in a Spring container. You can declare...
View ArticleJava Bean Validation Basics
1. Overview In this quick article, we’ll go over the basics of validating a Java bean with the standard frameworks – JSR 303 and JSR 349. Validating user input is of course a super common requirement...
View ArticleJava Web Weekly 44
I usually post about Dev stuff on Twitter - you can follow me there: Follow @baeldung At the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on...
View ArticleSixth Round of Improvements to the Reddit Application
1. Overview In this article we’re going to be almost wrapping up the improvements to the Reddit application. 2. Command API Security First, we’re going to do some work to secure the command API to...
View ArticleJava Web Weekly 45
I usually post about Dev stuff on Twitter - you can follow me there: Follow @baeldung At the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on...
View ArticleThe Intermediate Class of REST With Spring Is Out
Overview Yesterday, I finally lunched the Intermediate Class of my REST With Spring course. First off, for everyone that has written in with great feedback, thank you. I incorporated all of that...
View ArticleJava Web Weekly 46
I usually post about Dev stuff on Twitter - you can follow me there: Follow @baeldung At the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on...
View ArticleJSON in Java
1. Overview Working with JSON data in Java can be easy, but – like most anything in Java – there are a lot of options and libraries we can chose from. This guide should make that choice easier and...
View ArticleSpring REST API + OAuth2 + AngularJS
1. Overview In this tutorial, we’ll secure a REST API with OAuth and consume it from a simple AngularJS client. The application we’re going to build out will consist of four separate modules:...
View ArticleREST Query Language with Querydsl Web Support
1. Overview In this quick tutorial, we’ll discuss the Spring Data Querydsl Web Support. This is definitely an interesting alternative to all the other ways we focused on in the main REST Query Language...
View ArticleJava Web Weekly 47
I usually post about Dev stuff on Twitter - you can follow me there: Follow @baeldung At the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on...
View ArticleJava Web Weekly 48
I usually post about Dev stuff on Twitter - you can follow me there: Follow @baeldung At the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on...
View ArticleJava Web Weekly 49
I usually post about Dev stuff on Twitter - you can follow me there: Follow @baeldung At the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on...
View ArticleIntroduction to RAML – The RESTful API Modeling Language
1. Overview In this article, we introduce the RESTful API Modeling Language (RAML), a vendor-neutral, open-specification language built on YAML 1.2 and JSON for describing RESTful APIs. We’ll cover...
View ArticleSetting Up Swagger 2 with a Spring REST API
I just announced the release dates of my upcoming "REST With Spring" Classes: >> THE "REST WITH SPRING" CLASSES 1. Overview When creating a REST API, good documentation is instrumental....
View ArticleIntroduction to Spring Data Cassandra
I usually post about Persistence on Twitter - you can follow me there: Follow @baeldung 1. Overview This article is a practical introduction to working with Cassandra with Spring Data. We’ll start the...
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