I usually post about Dev stuff on Twitter - you can follow me there:
Follow @baeldungAt the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung. Haven’t missed a review since.
Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> High-Performance Java Persistence – Part One [vladmihalcea.com]
Vlad’s book is half-way done and, if the chapter on transactions is any indication – will be a fantastic writeup.
He’s publishing it via Leanpub, with flexible (and way to low) pricing, so if you want to really brush up on your SQL game, definitely pick that up.
I don’t do a lot of product recommendation around here (this is literally the first in almost two years), but having a solid base with low level persistence is critical, and this is a great way to build up that base.
>> 7 Tips to boost your Hibernate performance [thoughts-on-java.org]
And still on persistence – here’s a great set of important tactics and recommendations to follow when working with Hibernate.
>> What Might a New @Deprecated Look Like? [marxsoftware]
A quick look at how the old @Deprecated annotation might be improved and how that would look like in practice.
>> Java 9 Code Tools: A Hands-on Session with the Java Microbenchmarking Harness [takipi.com]
For years, benchmarking has been really complex (while looking really simple). There’s some interesting stuff coming in JDK9 that will make things a little bit easier.
But just a little bit – good benchmarking will still be hard.
>> JavaOne 2015: Prepare For JDK 9 [codefx.org]
Like always, solid notes by Nicolai, discussing modularity in the upcoming JDK release.
Also worth reading:
>> A Simple Web App With Spring Boot, Spring Security and Stormpath — in 15 Minutes [stormpath.com]
>> The JHipster Mini-book [infoq.com]
>> Spring Boot: Authentication with custom HTTP header [shout.setfive.com]
>> Plumbr Introduces New Java Performance Monitoring Tool [infoq.com]
>> What’s New in IntelliJ IDEA 15 for Spring Developers [jetbrains.com]
>> Crazy Search Results in Eclipse for Multiple Module Maven Projects [advancedweb.hu]
Webinars and presentations:
>> Ratpack Web Framework [infoq.com]
>> Bringing javax.cache’ing to your application [infoq.com]
Time to upgrade:
>> Spring Security 4.0.3 Released [spring.io] and >> Spring Security 3.2.9 Released [spring.io]
>> IntelliJ IDEA 15 Released, Adds Kotlin to the Family of Supported JVM Languages [jetbrains.com]
>> Jetty 7 and Jetty 8 – End of Life [webtide.com]
2. Technical and Musings
>> Your Old Language Version is Costing You Money [daedtech.com]
A company that is enabling their developers to work with new, solid hardware and new(ish) language versions has a distinct market advantage.
That’s both a general, logical observation as well as a personal tactic I used the last time I interviewed for a job. I literally took a walk through the office right after the interview, paid attention to what hardware people were using, and excluded a couple of companies that otherwise looked interesting based on that.
Technical – also worth reading:
>> Elasticsearch as a Time Series Data Store [elastic.co]
>> BDD web testing setup – Docker, Cucumber and Serenity – Part II [balamaci.ro]
>> Graphite 0.9.14 – the Highlights [obfuscurity.com]
>> Setting Up CloudFront With S3 [techblog.bozho.net]
>> Why JSON is the Best Application Log Format … and How to Switch [loggly.com]
Musings – also worth reading:
>> Future Proof [8thlight.com]
- >> My New Project and Dignity in Hiring [daedtech.com]
>> Lean Software Development — Building and Shipping Two Versions [queue.acm.org]
3. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week: