I usually post about Dev stuff on Twitter - you can follow me there:
Follow @baeldungAt the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung. Haven’t missed a review since.
Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> Comment on the so-called security vulnerability in Apache Commons Collections [codecentric.de]
A good clarification of how the recently discussed serialization vulnerability works and why coding your inputs defensively is always a good idea.
>> JavaOne 2015 Keynotes (Part 2) [infoq.com]
Some very cook things coming down the pike for Java.
Also worth reading:
>> Less but more expressive code with Project Lombok [codecentric.de]
>> MVC 1.0 in Java EE 8 – Handling Form Submits [bennet-schulz.com]
>> Improve Tomcat Startup Time [skybert.net]
Webinars and presentations:
>> Modern Java Component Design with Spring Framework 4.2 [infoq.com]
>> Lattice: A Cloud-Native Platform for Your Spring Applications [infoq.com]
>> Migrating the Monolith [infoq.com]
>> 12 Factor or Cloud Native Apps for Spring Developers [spring.io]
>> Spring Boot for DevOps [spring.io]
Time to upgrade:
>> Spring Boot 1.3.0 released [spring.io]
>> Spring Framework 4.2.3 available now [spring.io]
>> Spring Session 1.1.0.M1 Released [spring.io]
>> Spring IO Platform 2.0.0.RELEASE [spring.io]
>> Spring XD 1.3 GA and Flo for Spring XD 1.0 GA released [spring.io]
>> Apache Commons Collections 3.2.2 Released [mail-archives.apache.org]
>> IntelliJ IDEA 15.0.1 Update is Available [jetbrains.com] and >> IntelliJ IDEA 15.0.2 EAP is Out [jetbrains.com]
>> Fourth bug-fix release for ORM 5.0 [in.relation.to]
2. Technical
>> A day is not 60*60*24 seconds long [swizec.com]
A quick and interesting read about not working with dates driven by gut feeling. Dates are always tricky – use a proper library.
>> Injecting Dependencies, Partially Applying Functions, and It Really Doesn’t Matter [thecodewhisperer.com]
Always thought-provoking and always deep-diving into the finer points and nuances of test-driving and designing code.
>> A Problem With Convention-Over-Configuration [techblog.bozho.net]
The other side of convention over configuration.
Also worth reading:
>> 7 Slack Integrations Developers Should Use [takipi.com]
>> 3 simple ways of saving up to 90% of EC2 costs [cloudonaut.io]
3. Musings
>> Building Superior Code … Is It Achievable? [daedtech.com]
A good discussion started for the thorny problem of code quality.
>> Why I Chose Industry Over a Postdoc [pointersgonewild.com]
From the outside, this seems to be a pretty common experience in academia, unfortunately. An interesting read.
Also worth reading:
>> The Aspiring Free Agent Survival Guide [daedtech.com]
>> Hacking web servers with Pluralsight (and finding vulns in big moving things) [troyhunt.com]
4. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week:
>> It it working? Not even a little. [dilbert.com]
>> And we’re done [dilbert.com]
>> The company gym [dilbert.com]
5. Pick of the Week
>> An Open Letter To Speakers [scottberkun.com]