I usually post about Dev stuff on Twitter - you can follow me there:
Follow @baeldungAt the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung. Haven’t missed a review since.
Here we go…
1. Java and Spring
>> My new Hibernate Performance Tuning Online Training – Secure your early bird discount [thoughts-on-java.org]
Thorben finally announced his Hibernate Performance Tuning course this week.
I’ve been looking forward to announcing this one for a while (I knew he’s working on it) because I think that our Java ecosystem is severely lacking in solid, affordable training. We have plenty of the 17$ low-quality Udemy courses and on the other end of the spectrum we have some great, in-person training that’s over 1000$ / seat / day. We don’t really have a lot of good alternatives in the middle. Here’s a good one.
>> Next Generation Session Management with Spring Session [infoq.com]
Spring Session is certainly breathing new life into working with sessions in Java. Here’s an overview of what the project brings to the table.
>> Beware of Functional Programming in Java! [jooq.org]
Really good points about aspects of working with lambdas in Java.
>> Spring From the Trenches: Creating a Custom HandlerMethodArgumentResolver [petrikainulainen.net]
Spring can be quite powerful if you know how to take advantage of the framework well. Here’s a good way to do that with a super-useful tactic – a resolver for a custom method argument.
>> Reduce Legacy from Java EE 5 to 7 [radcortez.com]
A solid high level overview of how the Java EE world has evolved over the years and why it’s really worth looking at upgrading an old codebase in order to benefit from a lot of cool stuff.
>> JavaOne 2015: Introduction to Modular Development [codefx.org]
>> JavaOne 2015: Advanced Modular Development [codefx.org]
>> Under The Hood Of Project Jigsaw [codefx.org]
A couple of writeups analyzing the modularity talks that came out of this years JavaOne.
Also worth reading:
>> Remotely Exploitable Java Zero Day Exploits through Deserialization [infoq.com]
>> JavaOne 2015 Keynotes (Part 1) [infoq.com]
>> HOW-TO: Java 8 Date & Time with Thymeleaf and Spring Boot [codeleak.pl]
>> Spring Boot Remote Shell [coffeaelectronica.com]
>> Implementing auto retry in Java EE applications [abhirockzz]
Webinars and presentations:
>> Booting IoT with Grails [infoq.com]
>> Mik Kersten on Current and Future ALM Trends [infoq.com]
>> Building and Tuning High Performance Java Platforms [infoq.com]
>> Cloud Native Java with Spring Cloud Services [infoq.com]
>> Synchronized java.util.HashMap vs. java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap [vmlens.com]
Time to upgrade:
>> Release of SLF4J 1.7.13 [slf4j.org]
2. Technical
>> Three keys to design-time governance: protocol, format, and vocabulary [amundsen.com]
Another must-read from Mike Amundsen about general system architecture on the web. This isn’t the “oh – that’s interesting” kind of writeup. It’s the kind that you want to read twice.
>> 5 Very Real Logging Struggles [loggly.com]
A quick and to the point guide through some common logging problems.
Also worth reading:
>> How to Recover From the Integrated Tests Scam [thecodewhisperer.com]
>> Web Performance Tuning & the Enterprise Frontend [dynatrace.com]
>> MicroPlode – A Microservices Experiment [codecentric.de]
>> Google’s Mirror of Maven Central 25% Faster [raibledesigns.com]
>> London Calling! An AWS Region is coming to the UK! [allthingsdistributed.com]
3. Musings
>> Quiet Isn’t Always Anti-Social [daedtech.com]
Interesting musings about introversion and how it informs communication in the professional ecosystem. Most of the time, things aren’t black and white.
>> Genuine opinions, thoughtfully presented [bitquabit.com]
Mature communication is hard as a hard thing. And after almost a decade of working on teams, I am personally just beginning to really grasp just how hard it is. This is a well thought out piece on just that.
Also worth reading:
>> Hell’s code kitchen [devblog.avdi.org]
>> It’s the Manageability Stupid [subbu.org]
>> If You Promote Bad People, You Promote Bad Culture [daedtech.com]
4. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week: