Java Weekly, Issue 575
1. Spring and Java >> Do We Need Unit Tests Anymore? [] Unit tests have lost ground in favor of integration, API, and end-to-end tests. Still, unit tests can be very much...
View ArticleIntroduction to h2o
1. Overview Machine learning is essential in modern software development. We build models with various architectures, train them using different algorithms, and achieve incredible results by improving...
View ArticleFloat vs. Double in Java
1. Overview Managing numeric data effectively is a key aspect of Java programming, as selecting the appropriate data type can greatly influence performance and accuracy. The float and double data types...
View ArticleUsing Anthropic’s Claude Models With Spring AI
1. Overview Modern web applications are increasingly integrating with Large Language Models (LLMs) to build solutions. Anthropic is a leading AI research company that develops powerful LLMs, with their...
View ArticleHow to Handle “class file has wrong version” Errors in Java
1. Overview While working with Java projects, a common error when setting up a new project or updating or adding a dependency is the “class file has wrong version” error. In this tutorial, we’ll look...
View ArticleConstraint Programming Using Choco
1. Overview In this tutorial, we’ll learn about Choco-solver, a popular Java Constraint Programming (CP) framework. Overall, we’ll briefly understand the fundamentals of CP and then look at the key...
View ArticleWorking With Reactive Kafka Stream and Spring WebFlux
1. Overview In this article, we’ll explore Reactive Kafka Streams, integrate them into a sample Spring WebFlux application, and examine how this combination enables us to build fully reactive,...
View ArticleImport CSV in Elasticsearch Using Spring Boot
1. Introduction In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to import data from a CSV file into Elasticsearch using Spring Boot. Importing data from a CSV file is a common use case when we need to migrate data...
View ArticleFixing Hibernate QueryParameterException: No Argument for Ordinal Parameter
1. Overview In this short tutorial, we’ll learn how to fix the Hibernate QueryParameterException: “no argument for ordinal parameter”. First, we’ll understand the root cause behind the exception. Then,...
View ArticleJava Weekly, Issue 576
1. Spring and Java >> Peaceful and Bright Future of Integrity by Default in Java [] The “Integrity by Default” JEP aims to restrict unsafe APIs by default (with the option to override...
View ArticleSetting Connection Timeout and Read Timeout for Jersey
1. Introduction In this tutorial, we’ll explore the importance of configuring connection/read timeouts in REST clients. We’ll demonstrate this using Jersey, a common JAX-RS implementation. 2. Why Set...
View ArticleJava Weekly, Issue 577
1. Spring and Java >> Does AI-Generated Documentation Have Value? [] Peter Lawrey analyzes the benefits of AI-generated documentation, and how to use it to gain insights for...
View ArticleUsing LangChain4j With Micronaut
1. Overview LangChain4j is a Java library based on LangChain. We use it in our Java applications to integrate with LLMs. Micronaut is a modern, JVM-based framework designed for building lightweight,...
View ArticleHow to Check For a Logged Message in a Spock Test
1. Introduction As our code executes we often log events of interest. Some of those events are important enough that we want to ensure that our message is logged. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to...
View ArticleNull Array to Empty List in Java
1. Overview In Java programming, simplicity often hides behind the handling of null values, especially when dealing with arrays. Likewise, converting a potentially null array to an empty List isn’t...
View ArticleJava Weekly, Issue 578
1. Spring and Java >> Building Effective Agents with Spring AI (Part 1) [] Explore basic design patterns for implementing LLM-based systems, with practical examples using Spring AI....
View ArticleValidate List of Values in Spring
1. Overview The process of validating various values is critical in software development. It ensures that the data flowing into our application is correct and consistent. Validations can be applied to...
View ArticleConvert Camel Case to Snake Case in Java
1. Overview Camel and snake cases are two common naming conventions often used in programming. While the camel case utilizes capital letters to signify the start of a new word (camelCaseExample), the...
View ArticleIntroduction to JLine 3
1. Introduction JLine is a library for handing console input, giving us similar abilities to the GNU readline library or the ZSH line editor. In this tutorial, we’ll examine JLine 3, learning what it...
View ArticleConvert Mono Object to Another Mono Object in Spring WebFlux
1. Introduction Spring WebFlux is a reactive programming framework that facilitates asynchronous, non-blocking communication. A key aspect of working with WebFlux is handling Mono objects, representing...
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