1. Spring and Java
>> Building Effective Agents with Spring AI (Part 1) [spring.io]
Explore basic design patterns for implementing LLM-based systems, with practical examples using Spring AI.
>> Spring Milestones to Maven central [spring.io]
Spring will start releasing their milestone and RC versions of the modules to the Maven Central repository. This major change will make accessing these versions much easier for many people and allow the Spring team to get more early feedback on ongoing development.
Also worth reading:
- >> Spring Security Configuration with Flow Diagrams [infoq.com]
- >> Fixed Window Counter Rate Limiter (Redis & Java) [foojay.io]
- >> How JVM handles exceptions [foojay.io]
- >> Algebraic Data Types and Pattern Matching with Java [blog.scottlogic.com]
Webinars and presentations:
- >> Java’s Plans for 2025 – Inside Java Newscast #83 [inside.java]
- >> Foojay Podcast #65: Boost Your Career in 2025! [foojay.io]
- >> A Bootiful Podcast: Apache Causeway’s Dan Haywood [spring.io]
- >> Episode 34 “Doc, JavaDoc and Markdown” with Jonathan Gibbons [inside.java]
Time to upgrade:
- >> Spring Framework 6.2.2 Available Now [spring.io]
- >> Spring gRPC 0.3.0 released [spring.io]
- >> Spring Data 2024.1.2 and 2024.0.8 released [spring.io]
- >> GraalVM for JDK 23 Community 23.0.2 [github.com/graalvm]
- >> quarkus 3.18.0.CR1 [github.com/quarkusio]
- >> Elasticsearch 8.17.1 [github.com/elastic]
- >> zuul v2.6.1 [github.com/Netflix]
- >> Micronaut Core v4.7.12 [github.com/micronaut-projects]
- >> camel-4.4.5 [github.com/apache]
2. Technical & Musings
>> My first steps with Playwright [frankel.ch]
A simple example of using Playwright (a browser automation tool) to extract data from a LinkedIn page that the official APIs don’t provide.
Also worth reading:
- >> Reflections on 2024: A Remarkable Year for OmniFish, GlassFish, Piranha, and Jakarta EE [foojay.io]
- >> Kind Engineering [hamvocke.com]
3. Pick of the Week
A new request method is coming to HTTP:
>> The HTTP QUERY Method [ietf.org]