1. Spring and Java
>> Does AI-Generated Documentation Have Value? [vanillajava.blog]
Peter Lawrey analyzes the benefits of AI-generated documentation, and how to use it to gain insights for improving your writing.
>> Make the Life of your Developer Client’s Easier with Smart Object Builders [foojay.io]
A close look at different approaches to designing object builders in projects whose clients are other developers.
Also worth reading:
- >> How to build MongoDB Event Store [event-driven.io]
- >> JVM Tuning with Machine Learning on Garbage Collection Logs [inside.java]
- >> Using Buddy Allocators to Reduce Inter-Page Fragmentation in ZGC [inside.java]
- >> Parallel processing with Virtual Threads – A comparative analysis [dhaval-shah.com]
Webinars and presentations:
- >> A Bootiful Podcast: Dr. Dave Syer on the new and nifty Spring gRPC project [spring.io]
- >> A Deep Dive into JVM Start Up [inside.java]
Time to upgrade:
- >> Spring Cloud 2023.0.5 (aka Leyton) Is Now Available [spring.io]
- >> WildFly 35 is released! [wildfly.org]
- >> quarkus 3.17.6 [github.com/quarkusio]
- >> Elasticsearch 7.17.27 [github.com/elastic]
- >> zuul v2.6.0 [github.com/Netflix]
- >> camel-4.8.3 [github.com/apache]
2. Technical & Musings
>> Why you should use compact table columns [vladmihalcea.com]
Using compact table columns is a simple, but powerful method that can help improve the performance of your database.
Also worth reading:
- >> Generative AI and the Reverse Baltimore Phenomenon [vanillajava.blog]
- >> Announcing the new AWS Asia Pacific (Thailand) Region [amazon.com]
- >> A more complex codemod [martinfowler.com]
- >> The Home Assistant companion app [frankel.ch]
- >> Rate limiting with Redis: An essential guide [foojay.io]
3. Pick of the Week
>> Static search trees: 40x faster than binary search [curiouscoding.nl]
The post Java Weekly, Issue 577 first appeared on Baeldung.