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JSON API in a Java Web Application


1. Overview

In this article we’ll start exploring the JSON-API spec and how that can be integrated into a Java backed REST API. We are also using some minor Spring annotations but these can easily be taken out to make the project fully independent of Spring.

We’ll use the Katharsis implementation of JSON-API in Java – and we’ll set up a Katharsis powered Servlet – so all we need is a servlet-based application.

2. Maven

First, let’s take a look at our maven configuration – we need to add the following dependency into our pom.xml:


3. A User Resource

Next, let’s take a look at our User resource:

@JsonApiResource(type = "users")
public class User {

    private Long id;

    private String name;

    private String email;

Note that:

  • @JsonApiResource annotation is used to define our resource User
  • @JsonApiId annotation is used to define the resource identifier

And very briefly – the persistence for this example is going to be a Spring Data repository here (but of course it doesn’t have to be):

public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long> {}

4. A Resource Repository

Next, let’s discuss our resource repository – each resource should have a ResourceRepository to publish the API operations available on it:

public class UserResourceRepository implements ResourceRepository<User, Long> {

    private UserRepository userRepository;

    public User findOne(Long id, RequestParams params) {
        return userRepository.findOne(id);

    public Iterable<User> findAll(RequestParams params) {
        return userRepository.findAll();

    public Iterable<User> findAll(Iterable<Long> ids, RequestParams params) {
        return userRepository.findAll(ids);

    public <S extends User> S save(S entity) {
        return userRepository.save(entity);

    public void delete(Long id) {

A quick note here – if you’re used to a Spring style of application, than this is of course very similar to a Spring controller.

5. Katharsis Filter

As we are using a katharsis-servlet – so we’ll need to implement a filter by extending the AbstractKatharsisFilter:

public class JsonApiFilter extends AbstractKatharsisFilter implements BeanFactoryAware {

    private static final String DEFAULT_RESOURCE_SEARCH_PACKAGE = "org.baeldung.persistence";
    private static final String RESOURCE_DEFAULT_DOMAIN = "http://localhost:8080";

    private BeanFactory beanFactory;

    public void setBeanFactory(BeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException {
        this.beanFactory = beanFactory;

    protected KatharsisInvokerBuilder createKatharsisInvokerBuilder() {
        KatharsisInvokerBuilder builder = new KatharsisInvokerBuilder();

          jsonServiceLocator(new JsonServiceLocator() {
            public <T> T getInstance(Class<T> clazz) {
                return beanFactory.getBean(clazz);

        return builder;

Notice that – in this case, we are using a few minor Spring related artifacts – turning this filter into a bean – just so that it can play well in a Spring enabled system.

Also note how we only need to override the createKatharsisInvokerBuilder() method – based on our project configuration.

With that – we can now start consuming the API; for example:

  • GET “http://localhost:8080/users“: to get all users.
  • POST “http://localhost:8080/users“: to add new user, and more.

6. Relationships

Next, let’s discuss how to handle entities relationships in our JSON API.

6.1. Role Resource

First, let’s introduce a new resource – Role:

@JsonApiResource(type = "roles")
public class Role {

    private Long id;

    private String name;

    private Set<User> users;

And then set up a many-to-many relation between User and Role:

private Set<Role> roles;

6.2. Role Resource Repository

Very quickly – here is our Role resource repository:

public class RoleResourceRepository implements ResourceRepository<Role, Long> {

    private RoleRepository roleRepository;

    public Role findOne(Long id, RequestParams params) {
        return roleRepository.findOne(id);

    public Iterable<Role> findAll(RequestParams params) {
        return roleRepository.findAll();

    public Iterable<Role> findAll(Iterable<Long> ids, RequestParams params) {
        return roleRepository.findAll(ids);

    public <S extends Role> S save(S entity) {
        return roleRepository.save(entity);

    public void delete(Long id) {

It is important to understand here is that this single resource repo doesn’t handle the relationship aspect – that takes a separate repository.

6.3. Relationship Repository

In order to handle many-to-many relationship between UserRole we need to create a new style of repository:

public class UserToRoleRelationshipRepository 
  implements RelationshipRepository<User, Long, Role, Long> {

    private UserRepository userRepository;

    private RoleRepository roleRepository;

    public void setRelation(User User, Long roleId, String fieldName) { }

    public void setRelations(User user, Iterable<Long> roleIds, String fieldName) {
        Set<Role> roles = new HashSet<Role>();

    public void addRelations(User user, Iterable<Long> roleIds, String fieldName) {
        Set<Role> roles = user.getRoles();

    public void removeRelations(User user, Iterable<Long> roleIds, String fieldName) {
        Set<Role> roles = user.getRoles();

    public Role findOneTarget(
      Long sourceId, String fieldName, RequestParams requestParams) {
        return null;

    public Iterable<Role> findManyTargets(
      Long sourceId, String fieldName, RequestParams requestParams) {
        User user = userRepository.findOne(sourceId);
        return user.getRoles();

We’re ignoring the singular methods here, in the relationship repository.

7. Test

Finally, let’s analyze a few requests and really understand what the JSON-API output looks like.

We’re going to start retrieving a single User resource (with id = 2):

GET http://localhost:8080/users/2



  • The main attributes of the Resource are found in data.attributes
  • The main relationships of the Resource are found in data.relationships
  • As we used @JsonApiIncludeByDefault for the roles relationship, it is included in the JSON and found in node included

Next – let’s get the collection resource containing the Roles:

GET http://localhost:8080/roles



The quick take-away here is that we get all Roles in the system – as an array in the data node

8. Conclusion

JSON-API is a fantastic spec – finally adding some structure in the way we use JSON in our APIs and really powering a true Hypermedia API.

This piece explored one way to set it up in a web app. We’ll definitely explore other way – perhaps more idiomatic to Spring – in the future. But regardless of that implementation, the spec itself is – in my view – very very promising work.

The complete source code for the example is available in this github project. It is a Maven project which can be imported and run as-is.

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