I usually post about Dev stuff on Twitter - you can follow me there:
Follow @baeldungAt the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung. Haven’t missed a review since.
Here we go…
1. Java and Spring
>> Using Jenkins Job DSL for Job Lifecycle Management [codecentric.de]
Jenkins can be quick and easy. Jenkins done right however, can be quite powerful at scale, paired with the right tools.
>> Java EE 8 MVC: A detailed look at Controllers [mscharhag.com]
An quick look at Controllers in Java EE 8. I’ve been covering a lot of Spring, so this might be an interesting change of scenery.
>> Simpler handling of asynchronous transaction bound events in Spring 4.2+ [solidsoft]
A quick exploration of the new transactional support that comes along with the new event support in Spring 4.2 – good stuff.
>> The Spring Boot Dashboard in STS – Part 1: Local Boot Apps [spring.io]
A cool new Spring Boot dashboard in Eclipse STS – makes working with microservices a whole lot easier.
>> Deploying Spring Boot applications to Heroku [codecentric.de]
A practical, end to end process of running a Boot app over on Heroku.
>> What the Heck Is Mutation Testing? [codeaffine.com]
Code coverage is such an imperfect metric (to put it kindly). To go beyond it is definitely worthwhile – and makes sense to evaluate, provided you have the basic stuff dialed in already.
>> Rapid Development with Hibernate in CQRS Read Models [squirrel.pl]
Some solid practical tips on using Hibernate for an Event Sourced system.
Also worth reading:
>> Populate Bootstrap Multiselect Options with JSON and Spring MVC [nixmash.com]
>> A brief update on Java EE 7 adoption [spring.io]
>> Exploring CQRS Architecture with Axon Framework: Introduction [geekabyte] and
>> Exploring CQRS with Axon Framework: The Command, Command Bus and Command Handling Components [geekabyte]
>> Evolving Spring Initializr [spring.io]
>> Java RPC Dead in the REST Age? Neh! [insaneprogramming.be]
Time to upgrade:
>> Spring Tool Suite 3.7.1 released [spring.io]
>> Spring REST Docs 1.0.0.RELEASE [spring.io]
>> Apache Tomcat 8.0.27 available [apache.org]
>> GlassFish 4.1.1 is now available! [oracle.com]
2. Technical
>> Apache JMeter Tutorial [codefx.org]
A solid intro to JMeter.
I’ve personally been using Gatling more and more lately, but JMeter is still a go to tool that I recommend and use.
>> Navigating DRY IETF Specs [bizcoder.com]
Reading the official IETF specs well is more of an art than a science; here are some very good tips helping out.
Also worth reading:
>> New – AWS WAF [aws.amazon.com]
- >> Coming Soon – EC2 Dedicated Hosts [aws.amazon.com]
3. Musings
>> Why All The Fear of Electronic Voting? [techblog.bozho.net]
Good notes around the thorny problem of moving the voting system to the web.
>> Doing the dishes [dandreamsofcoding.com]
Who would have thought? Doing the dishes and coding are actually similar. And someone else out there has stolen my dish-washing technique.
>> The Evolution of a Freelancer: Lessons from the Hallway Track at DYFConf [swizec.com]
What he said.
Also worth reading:
>> Foolish enough to leave important tasks to a mere human brain? [lemire.me]
>> Make Yourself Big And Get More Job Offers [daedtech.com]
4. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week: