I usually post about Dev stuff on Twitter - you can follow me there:
Follow @baeldungAt the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung. Haven’t missed a review since.
Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> Comments on The Twelve-Factor App [techblog.bozho.net]
Very interesting analysis of the well known twelve-factor app recommendations focused on the Java ecosystem.
>> Optionally typechecked StateMachines [benjiweber.co.uk]
A cool and practical implementation of a finite state machine that can replace what would otherwise be an enum.
>> Building Microservices with Polyglot Persistence Using Spring Cloud and Docker [kennybastani.com]
Really well put together writeup on building a microservice with different persistence options and leveraging Docker for deployment. Good stuff.
>> Writing Unit Tests With Spock Framework: Creating a Maven Project [petrikainulainen.net]
A solid intro to setting up a project and working with Spock.
>> Java 8 SE Optional, a strict approach [codefx.org]
A thoughtful rebuttal of the piece from two weeks ago, on recommendations around using Optional.
Also worth reading:
>> Stackifier: Make Sense of Your Stack Trace [takipi.com]
>> Integrate JMS queue into a Spring Application [talangsoft.org]
>> Scott: detailed failure reports and hassle free assertions for Java tests [advancedweb.hu]
>> How Well Do You Know Your Collection API? [geekabyte]
>> Comparing Hashing strategies [vanillajava]
Webinars and presentations:
>> How 30 Years of Ticket Transaction Data Helps You Discover New Shows! [infoq.com]
>> Yakov Fain on the State of Java, JavaScript, Web Development [infoq.com]
Time to upgrade:
>> Log4j Version 1 Reaches End of Life [infoq.com]
>> IntelliJ IDEA 15 EAP: Groovy @Builder AST Transformation Support [jetbrains.com]
>> Experimental Zero-latency Typing in IntelliJ IDEA 15 EAP [jetbrains.com]
2. Technical
>> PresentationDomainDataLayering [martinfowler.com]
A solid intro to the concept of the three-tiered architecture.
>> How To Ensure Idempotency In An Eventual Consistent DDD/CQRS Application [sapiensworks.com]
Where to handle idempotency and data consistency when doing DDD is definitely an important question answered here.
Also worth reading:
>> Distributed Consensus Reloaded: Apache ZooKeeper and Replication in Apache Kafka [confluent.io]
- >> Building Price-Aware Applications Using EC2 Spot Instances [aws.amazon.com]
>> There is no Such Thing as Object-Relational Impedance Mismatch [jooq.org]
>> AWS Tips I Wish I’d Known Before I Started [wblinks.com]
3. Musings
>> Sorry, I Can’t Talk to You This Iteration [frazzleddad]
I found this to be true over and over again – when I allow myself to have margin and breathing room – things grow.
>> Why Write Automated Tests? [jetbrains.com]
If you need convincing, have a read.
>> All evidence points to OOP being bullshit [pivotal.io]
Also worth reading:
>> Practices [mattblodgett.com]
>> AntiPattern [martinfowler.com]
>> Work Hard, Live Well [medium – moskov]
4. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week:
>> Not on poker night
>> The know about plan A
>> I think you call it a smartphone
5. Pick of the Week
Earlier this year I introduced the “Pick of the Week” section here in my “Weekly Review”. If you’re already on my email list – you got the pick already – hope you enjoyed it.
If not – you can share the review and unlock it right here: