RxJava is a Reactive Extensions implementation for Java environment.
The library utilizes a combination of functional and reactive techniques that can represent an elegant approach to event-driven programming – with values that change over time and where the consumer reacts to the data as it comes in.
>> Introduction to RxJava
Starting at the top – this is the high-level overview of the whole library and the Functional-Reactive concept.
>> RxJava and Backpressure
We start by looking at the RxJava’s signature functionality – throttling.
>> Implementing Custom Operators
Here, we discover how to manipulate Observables by using custom operators.
>> RxJava Error Handling
Here, we learn what is the idiomatic way of handling exceptions.
>> Testing RxJava
Finally, we see how to test RxJava pipelines.
>> RxJava with Retrofit
Additionally, we have a look at RxJava’s integration with Retrofit.
>> Vertx RxJava
… and with Vertx.