I usually post about Dev stuff on Twitter - you can follow me there:
Follow @baeldungThis is a comprehensive guide to using Apache HttpClient 4 – from starting out to advanced configuration and best practices.
1. HttpClient Basics
Learn the basics of sending a Request, receiving and interpreting the Response and configure the Client for basic usage.
Get the Status Code of a Request
Configure Timeout
Cancel/Abort a Request
Do Not Follow Redirects
Set Custom Header
HttpClient 4 Cookbook
Posting with HttpClient
2. Advanced Usage
Go into more advanced usecases of configuring the client with SSL, Custom Cookies, different types of Requests, etc.
Configure SSL
Unshorten URLs with HttpClient
Send a Custom Cookie
Follow Redirects for POST Requests
HttpClient Basic Authentication
Multipart Upload
HttpAsyncClient Tutorial
The implementation of all these examples and code snippets can be found in my github project – this is an Eclipse based project, so it should be easy to import and run as it is.
I usually post about Dev stuff on Twitter - you can follow me there: