I usually post about Dev stuff on Google+ - you can follow me there:
At the very beginning of 2014 I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung.
2014 has been quite the year, covering each week with a review. I’ve been doing a lot more reading to make sure I cover and curate stuff that has value and is actually interesting.
Let me know in the comments if you’re finding my reviews interesting and useful.
Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> How to fix optimistic locking race conditions with pessimistic locking
Combining pessimistic and optimistic locking with Hibernate to keep the integrity of your data.
>> Top 5 Use-Cases For Nested Types
With the advent of lambdas, a deep dive, back-to-roots piece on Java nested classes is quite helpful, at least for a solid grasp of the basics.
>> Inconsistent operation widen rules in Java
Another back-to-basics with Java – a nice reminder on working with numerical primitives.
>> Programmatically Determining Java Class’s JDK Compilation Version
Another cool, low level Java article – this time about determining the version of the JDK that compiled a class. I didn’t even know it was possible.
>> Storing months of historical metrics from Hystrix in Graphite
Very cool solution for monitoring your app.
I’ve been using various permutations for monitoring – CollectD and Graphite (and more recently Kibana) being the most common – but this looks quite slick.
>> SSO with OAuth2: Angular JS and Spring Security Part V
Getting into more advanced topics with the 5th part of the AngularJS and Spring Security series – with a deep dive into OAuth and SSO.
>> Why 12 Factor Application Patterns, Microservices and CloudFoundry Matter
Complicated, manual and error prone deployment processes – that brings me back; the industry has come a long way since the early days.
And some good talks to have fun with during the weekend:
>> Testing with Spring 4.x
>> Building a Continuous Delivery Pipeline with Gradle and Jenkins
>> Groovy, in the light of Java 8
Time to upgrade:
>> Spring Security OAuth 2.0.6.RELEASE Available Now
>> Swagger-core v1.5.0-M1 Released! and >> Swagger-UI v2.1.1-M1 Released!
2. Technical and Musings
>> Cutting Down on Code Telepathy
“Out of Band” required knowledge to interact with an API is usually not good. A REST architecture addresses the problem via the HATEOAS constraint and Media Types. However this is not a REST-only issue, but a question to be asked when designing any API:
Does the caller require any out of band knowledge to consume the API?
If so, this is a cost; depending on the situation, it may be a cost you want to take on, but it should always be an intentional decision.
>> The Army of the New Independents
The job / employment landscape is changing, and fast. So, if you are already independent or thinking about it, this is a good one to read to give you some context.
>> Programmer IS A Career Path, Thank You
The Musings section is good advice this week – have a read.
>> Let’s Talk About Your Backups
Wake up call?
3. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week:
>> The Problem with Randomness (you can never be sure)
>> Buzzwords
>> Empty Jargon
4. Pick of the Week
Earlier this year I introduced the “Pick of the Week” section here in my “Weekly Review”. If you’re already on my email list – you got the pick already – hope you enjoyed it.
If not – you can share the review and unlock it right here: