Lots of interesting writeups on Spring stuff going on this week.
Let’s jump right in…
1. Spring and Java
>> Spring Boot – Configure Log Level in Runtime Using Actuator Endpoint [codeleak.pl]
Starting with Spring Boot 1.5, we can configure log levels at runtime by performing simple POST requests.
>> 7 Tips and Tricks We Learned From the Java Community [takipi.com]
Community is a great source of knowledge
>> A use-case for Spring component scan [frankel.ch]
A quick refresher of how @ComponentScan works followed by a practical example.
>> Deep Dive into Java 9’s Stack-Walking API [sitepoint.com]
Java 9 includes a brand new Stack-Walking API that provides an access to the execution stack. Hopefully, we’ll no longer need to hack our way through frames.
>> Java EE 8 – February recap [oracle.com]
A short overview of what is going on around Java EE 8.
>> Public Review of JSON-P Specification 1.1 is Now Open [infoq.com]
Very cool – the JSON-P JSR-374 1.1 spec is now public.
>> Getting Started with Thymeleaf 3 Text Templates [codeleak.pl]
And a quick-start guide to templating with Thymeleaf 3.
>> The best way to soft delete with Hibernate [vladmihalcea.com]
With a little bit of effort, soft deletes are achievable with Hibernate.
Also worth reading:
>> Adding custom constraint definitions via the Java service loader [in.relation.to]
>> Java’s Finalizer is Still There [marxsoftware.blogspot.com]
>> Eclipse tools for Hibernate Search [in.relation.to]
>> Eclipse IDE, Oxygen Edition; and Java 9 [waynebeaton.wordpress.com]
>> Understanding Java’s Reflection API in Five Minutes [sitepoint.com]
>> Multi-version Service Discovery using Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka and Ribbon [tech.asimio.net]
Webinars and presentations:
>> Speedup Your Java Apps with Hardware Counters [infoq.com]
>> Spring Tips: Server Sent Events (SSE) [spring.io]
Time to upgrade:
>> Spring Security 4.2.2 Released [spring.io]
>> Spring Boot 1.4.5 and 1.5.2 Available Now [spring.io]
>> Spring Security OAuth 2.1.0 and 2.0.13 Released [spring.io]
>> Hibernate OGM 5.1 Final is out [in.relation.to]
>> Spring Data Ingalls SR1 and Hopper SR8 released [spring.io]
>> Spring IO Platform Athens-SR4 [spring.io]
>> Spring IO Platform Brussels-SR1 [spring.io]
2. Technical
>> Easy RSA signatures and encryption with JWK [insaneprogramming.be]
Exchanging data in the REST age can be painful but the JWK standard made it much easier. This short tutorial shows how to use asymmetrical RSA with the JWK.
>> Writing Integration Tests with Docker Compose and JUnit [codecentric.de]
A quick and practical guide to wiring Docker containers up for integration testing.
>> Be aware that bcrypt has a maximum password length [mscharhag.com]
It’s good to remember that bcrypt has its limitations.
>> Continuous Delivery With Kubernetes, Docker, and CircleCI [alexecollins.com]
A presentation of a CD setup with Kubernetes, Docker, and CircleCI. Definitely a useful setup.
Also worth reading:
>> TDD Harms Architecture [cleancoder.com]
>> Microservices, data and patterns [in.relation.to]
>> Git Better! Learn Aliases, Settings, Tools, Background [sitepoint.com]
>> Testing Like the TSA [cleancoder.com]
3. Musings
>> The Whiteboard Interview: Adulthood Deferred [daedtech.com]
Recent “whiteboard interviews” topic has sparked a lot of discussion about the efficiency of contemporary tech interviews.
>> On false negatives and false positives [ontestautomation.com]
A short write-up recalling the importance of fast identification of false negatives and false positives.
Also worth reading:
>> Symmetry Breaking [cleancoder.com]
>> Does Anybody Listen to You? How do you step up from mere contributor to real change-maker? [queue.acm.org]
>> College and inequality [lemire.me]
>> On exceeding capacity [dandreamsofcoding.com]
>> Yes, and… [lizkeogh.com]
>> How to choose technology [blog.sebastian-daschner.com]
4. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week: