1. Spring and Java
>> Bean Validation 2.0 Progress Report [beanvalidation.org]
The new features of the Bean Validation 2.0 definitely look promising.
>> Swift for Beans – var, let and Type Inference [knitelius.com]
Swift-like features are making their way into Java.
>> New JEP Would Simplify Java Type Variance [infoq.com]
Simplified Type Variance possibly in JDK 10.
>> Declutter Your POJOs with Lombok [sitepoint.com]
A short overview of Lombok – the Java boilerplate killer.
>> Pivotal Releases First Milestone of Next-Generation Spring Data Featuring Reactive Database Access [infoq.com]
The first milestone of the new Spring Data was already released.
It looks like it will be possible to create “reactive” repositories making use of the Spring Reactor project.
>> Hibernate Tips: Use query comments to identify a query [thoughts-on-java.org]
A quick and very practical write-up about leveraging query comments in Hibernate.
>> JDK 9 is the End of the Road for Some Features [marxsoftware.com]
Most articles focus on JDK 9 additions. This one goes through the list of features to be removed from JVM.
>> Protecting JAX-RS Resources with RBAC and Apache Shiro [stormpath.com]
Implementing a fine-grained Role-Based Access Control with Apache Shiro.
>> Flyway Tutorial – Execute Migrations using Maven [codecentric.de]
Another short write-up about doing database migrations with Flyway. This time, focusing on the maven-flyway-plugin.
>> Building Reactive Applications with Akka Actors and Java 8 [infoq.com]
It turns out you do not need to use Scala in order to be able to use Akka
Also worth reading:
>> JDK 9 is Feature Complete! [marxsoftware.com]
>> Why should not use the AUTO JPA GenerationType with MySQL and Hibernate [vladmihalcea.com]
>> Faster parallel processing in Java using Streams and a spliterator [airpair.com]
>> Multi-tenant applications using Spring Boot, JPA, Hibernate and Postgres [tech.asimio.net]
>> How to test event-based services using contracts [developer.epages.com]
>> SMACK stack from the trenches [codecentric.de]
Webinars and presentations:
>> Real World Microservices with Spring Cloud, Netflix OSS and Kubernetes [infoq.com]
>> The Journey from Monolith to Microservices: A Guided Adventure [infoq.com]
>> Microservices: Organizing Large Teams for Rapid Delivery [infoq.com]
>> Bootiful Microservices in a Legacy Environment: Lessons Learned [infoq.com]
>> Writing Comprehensive and Guaranteed Up-to-Date REST API Documentation [infoq.com]
>> Orchestrate All the Things! with Spring Cloud Data Flow [infoq.com]
>> Git Questions – How to Keep a Git Fork up to Date [jetbrains.com]
>> Spring with ApacheNiFi [infoq.com]
>> Spring Boot at PayPal [spring.io]
Time to upgrade:
>> Spring Framework 4.3.6 available now [spring.io]
>> Seventh bug-fix release for ORM 5.2 [in.relation.to]
>> Spring AMQP 1.7.0.RELEASE (and 1.6.7) Available [spring.io]
>> Hibernate ORM 5.0.12.Final and 5.1.4.Final released [in.relation.to]
>> Spring LDAP 2.3.1 Released [spring.io]
>> JSON-P 1.1 (JSR 374) in Public Review [oracle.com]
>> Spring Cloud Stream Brooklyn.SR2 and Chelsea.M1 released [spring.io]
>> Spring Integration Extension for Hazelcast 1.0.0 M2 Available [spring.io]
>> Dependency Management Plugin 1.0.0.RELEASE [spring.io]
>> IntelliJ IDEA 2017.1 EAP 171.2613.7 is Out [jetbrains.com]
>> Weld 3.0.0.CR1 [cdi-spec.org]
2. Technical
>> Navigating the microservice architecture pattern language – part 1 [plainoldobjects.com]
A short write-up exploring and explaining the semantics of microservices.
>> Better performance: the case for timeouts [odino.org]
A very detailed experiment showing that such basic things as timeouts can noticeably impact the performance.
>> Exploring data sets with Kibana [frankel.ch]
The title says all
>> AWS Serverless Lambda Scheduled Events to Store Tweets in Couchbase [couchbase.com]
A short tutorial showing how to use Couchbase in a tweet-fetching AWS Lambda application.
Also worth reading:
>> Deploy Docker Compose Services to Swarm [couchbase.com]
>> Emerging DSL [abdullin.com]
>> Introduction to mutation testing [medium.com]
>> DDoS Monitoring: How to Know You’re Under Attack [loggly.com]
>> How quickly can you remove spaces from a string? [lemire.me]
3. Musings
>> Software Development and the Gig Economy [henrikwarne.com]
A few thoughts about the Software Development market and the direction it’s heading.
>> Managing a To Do list [kylecordes.com]
>> Really Managing a To Do list [kylecordes.com]
Tips on how to effectively manage your TODOs.
>> Automate Your Documentation [daedtech.com]
How to write documentation as easy as possible
>> Collaborating with Outsiders to the Dev Team [daedtech.com]
Trying to teach developers how to live with other forms of life
>> Nights and Weekends [swizec.com]
Building something interesting in your off hours isn’t supposed to be easy.
>> SyntheticMonitoring [martinfowler.com]
An explanation of the Synthetic Monitoring technique which revolves around running tests on a live system.
Also worth reading:
>> An Inferno on the Head of a Pin [codinghorror.com]
>> Why I Chose to Be a Government Advisor [techblog.bozho.net]
>> Selling tools to developers, and other bad idea [virtuouscode.com]
4. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week: