1. Spring and Java
>> The Joy of Mustache: Server Side Templates for the JVM [spring.io]
An intro to Mustache and Spring Boot – what more do you need?
>> Keeping The Community In The Java Community Process (JCP) [sitepoint.com]
A short history of the JCP and the many conflicts around the Java language.
>> Debugging hints for Logstash [frankel.ch]
Quick and very practical notes on getting an ELK stack working and well-formatted data into it.
And seeing how ELK stack’s my go-to whenever the option’s open, I quite enjoyed this one.
>> Tracing In Microservices With Spring Cloud Sleuth [ryanjbaxter.com]
Tracing a request across multiple systems is a critical aspect of developing a microservice system today, and this is a good starting point to using Spring Code Sleuth and a Zipkin server to do so.
>> How to implement a soft delete with Hibernate [thoughts-on-java.org]
If you’ve been working on any complex enough system, you probably had to do a soft delete at some point. It’s not hard to implement – which is one extra reason to try to get it right from the start.
Also worth reading:
>> High-Performance Java Persistence by Vlad Mihalcea [petrikainulainen.net]
>> How to map calculated properties with JPA and Hibernate @Formula annotation [vladmihalcea.com]
>> Build a CRUD Application with React, Spring Boot, and User Authentication [stormpath.com]
>> Streaming MySQL Results Using Java 8 Streams and Spring Data JPA [knes1.github.io]
>> Java 8 Streams : 10 missing features [medium.com]
>> The Java Ecosystem’s Obsession with NonNull Annotations [jooq.org]
>> Java Bullshifier – Generate Massive Random Code Bases [takipi.com]
>> Inheriting Javadoc Method Comments [marxsoftware.com]
>> Meet Rafael Winterhalter and Byte Buddy [in.relation.to]
>> How does MySQL result set streaming perform vs fetching the whole JDBC ResultSet at once [vladmihalcea.com]
Webinars and presentations:
>> Next Level Spring Boot Tooling [infoq.com]
>> Going Reactive: Building Better Microservices [infoq.com]
>> Testing Spring Boot Applications [infoq.com]
>> Testing with Spring 4.3, JUnit 5, and beyond [infoq.com]
>> Video Course – REST as in Hypermedia with Java [sebastian-daschner.com]
>> Continuous Delivery for Microservice Architectures with Concourse & Cloud Foundry [infoq.com]
>> Spring Tips: Cloud Foundry [spring.io]
>> Easy Consumption of Microservices [infoq.com]
>> Developing an API Strategy for 2017 (API Strat Boston 2016) [apihandyman.io]
Time to upgrade:
>> Hibernate ORM 5.1.3.Final [in.relation.to]
>> Spring Cloud Data Flow 1.1 GA released [spring.io]
>> Spring Cloud Task 1.1.0.RELEASE is now available [spring.io]
>> Spring Cloud Data Flow for Apache YARN 1.1.0.RC1 released [spring.io]
>> Spring Session 1.3.0 RC1 Released [spring.io]
>> First milestone of next-generation Spring Data released [spring.io]
>> Spring Cloud Data Flow for Kubernetes 1.1 RC1 released [spring.io]
>> IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3 GA: Java 8 and ES6, Debugger and UI improvements, and a Ton More [jetbrains.com]
>> Hibernate Tips: How to create a database setup script based on entity mappings [thoughts-on-java.org]
2. Technical
>> A short history in Version Control Systems – RCS, ClearCase, SVN, Git [codecentric.de]
A fun (and cringy) trip down memory lane. If you remember any of the older names on this list, you know how easy we have it today
>> Let’s Encrypt Everything [codinghorror.com]
Good points about encryption.
This one hits home as well, because baeldung.com is not yet running over HTTPs. That’s of course coming.
>> Elasticsearch: Adventures in scaling a multitenant platform [bigeng.io]
This is a long post – let’s start here.
It’s also chock-full of Elasticsearch goodness.
I’m using Elasticsearch daily in my client work, so I got a lot out of it. If you aren’t, you still might want to bookmark it.
>> Data breach claims are often poorly researched, unsubstantiated and ultimately fake [troyhunt.com]
If, like me, you enjoy reading about and understanding what’s going on in the online security space, this is a quick and informative read.
>> How to Build an Image with the Dockerfile [sitepoint.com]
A clean intro to Docker.
Also worth reading:
>> Ad blockers are part of the problem [troyhunt.com]
>> AWS Storage Update – S3 & Glacier Price Reductions + Additional Retrieval Options for Glacier [aws.amazon.com]
>> Prevent acceptance tests becoming a time sink [codecentric.de]
>> Bash on Windows 10 [marxsoftware.com]
>> HiddenPrecision [martinfowler.com]
3. Musings
>> Domain Fallback Mechanism In Apps [techblog.bozho.net]
A common sense solution to DNS resolution issues – having a fallback list of IPs. Clearly something that cannot be done for a web-app running in the browser – only on a native app.
Surprisingly even the top apps on the market – such as the Twitter mobile app – don’t use the technique.
>> Managing test data in end-to-end test automation [ontestautomation.com]
The age-old question of data preparation and cleanup in testing has plagued the land for eons
Maybe I’m making it sound more ominous than it really is, but we do have entire tools built around this problem, so it’s certainly not trivial.
This is a quick intro to potential approaches and solutions.
>> How to make an introduction [dandreamsofcoding.com]
Introducing people probably isn’t the top thing on my mind. That being said, there’s really only so much we can do until without the help of someone else.
Meeting people in our ecosystem can definitely be a catalyst, so it’s well worth investing some mental energy into getting better at it.
Also worth reading:
>> With or Without the US, The Future of Tech is Globalism [daedtech.com]
>> The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage [martinfowler.com]
>> Software evolves by natural selection [lemire.me]
>> Learning to Program Without Writing the Usual Sort of Code [prog21.dadgum.com]
4. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week: