1. Spring and Java
>> Oracle Presents First Proposal for Value Types Implementation [infoq.com]
The value types proposal is being approached in a gradual, intelligent manner – first the JVM support and then the actual language support.
>> A beginner’s guide to SQL injection and how you should prevent it [vladmihalcea.com]
A monster writeup about Hibernate, SQL injection, and staying clear of it.
So many of the huge data breaches this year have been SQL injection attacks – it’s definitely worth learning more about the technique.
>> Add Stormpath to Your JHipster Application [stormpath.com]
A quick and interesting integration.
>> Inside Java 9 – Performance, Compiler, and More [sitepoint.com]
A deep-dive into the JVM internals coming in Java 9, and a discussion of the various optimizations that are being developed in the new release.
>> Meet Thorben Janssen [in.relation.to]
A quick discussion about Hibernate and building a training business and the future of the framework.
>> How Java developers can use the Wiremock framework to simulate HTTP-based APIs [infoq.com]
A good, simple intro to Wiremock.
Also worth reading:
>> Enterprise Development Trends 2016: A Survey of JVM Developers by Lightbend [infoq.com]
>> Travis CI tutorial Java projects [frankel.ch]
>> Parallelizing Hystrix calls [java-allandsundry.com]
>> JVMs Across the Data Center and Twitter’s JDK [infoq.com]
>> How to call MySQL stored procedures and functions with JPA and Hibernate [vladmihalcea.com]
>> An HTTP API for analytic queries [info.michael-simons.eu]
>> MessageFormat as Built-In Template Engine [adam-bien.com]
>> Aggregate Test Coverage Report for Gradle Multi-Module Project [lkrnac.net]
>> Using Named Database Locks [techblog.bozho.net]
Webinars and presentations:
>> From Imperative to Reactive Web Apps [infoq.com]
>> To Spring Security 4.1 and Beyond [infoq.com]
>> DDD & REST – Domain Driven APIs for the Web [infoq.com]
>> Spring Tips: Spring Cloud Stream [spring.io]
>> Docker for AWS – Getting Started Video [couchbase.com]
>> JVM, RAM, Docker, Configuration and JNDI, gRPC, ORMs, Load Balancers or 32nd airhacks.tv [adam-bien.com]
>> The InfoQ Podcast: Tal Weiss on Observability, Instrumentation and Bytecode Manipulation on the JVM [infoq.com]
Time to upgrade:
>> Spring Security 4.2.0 Released [spring.io]
>> Spring Framework 5.0 M3 released [spring.io]
>> Spring Framework 4.3.4 available now [spring.io]
>> Spring Boot 1.4.2 Available Now [spring.io]
>> Spring Security OAuth 2.0.12 Released [spring.io]
>> Spring Data release train Hopper SR5 released [spring.io]
>> Spring Cloud Task 1.1.0.RC1 is now available [spring.io]
>> Spring Cloud Data Flow 1.1 RC1 Released [spring.io]
>> Spring AMQP and Spring Integration Core & Java DSL Maintenance Releases Available [spring.io]
>> Hibernate OGM now supports Infinispan datagrid over Hot Rod [in.relation.to]
2. Technical and Musings
>> Ubiquiti all the things: how I finally fixed my dodgy wifi [troyhunt.com]
Hmm, makes me reconsider my home setup. If you’re a gear nut like me, you’re going to enjoy this one.
>> Be Careful About What You Dislike [lucumr.pocoo.org]
Interesting points about forming and cementing opinions, especially around tech.
>> From Developer to Consultant [daedtech.com]
An interesting read about the lay of the land for developers that want to do higher leverage work.
>> Negotiating for time [dandreamsofcoding.com]
Great advice for the final stretch of the job hunting process. Keeping your cool, being open, enthusiastic but also in control – all good stuff.
>> The Developer Feedback Loop [daedtech.com]
A shorter feedback look is the driving force behind oh-so many technologies and techniques we can now take for granted, such as TDD, CI, CD, etc.
Definitely worth keeping a close eye on what kind of feedback look we’re getting from our systems.
Also worth reading:
>> 3 Common Cucumber Mistakes You’ve Probably Made [advancedweb.hu]
>> Framed in the past [lemire.me]
>> Breaking Boxes [lizkeogh.com]
>> Life as an Open Source Developer [raibledesigns.com]
>> QCon SF Speakers Choose 13 Sessions That You Shouldn’t Miss [takipi.com]
3. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week: