1. Spring and Java
>> Introducing the Spring Cloud CLI Launcher [spring.io]
Spring Cloud is definitely moving fast.
Here’s a quick writeup covering a new CLI command that takes some of the work away by running the necessary supporting applications.
>> Java Microservices: The Cake Is a Lie but You Can’t Ignore It [takipi.com]
A zoomed-out look at the Java microservice framework landscape.
The writeup discusses most of the solutions available and the approach they each take to help developers get to a microservice implementation without shooting themselves in the foot.
>> Dijkstra’s Algorithm [cleancoder.com]
A fun way to apply TDD to a get to a clean solution for a well-known problem domain.
>> 5 Things Only Experienced Developers Can Teach You About Java [takipi.com]
There’s nothing like running your work in production. I look at my first few years as a developer as the time before and the time after I had work being used (and abused) by actual users.
So this writeup hits the nail on the head – experience, and more specifically production experience is going to be a fantastic accelerator of learning.
>> Inside Java 9 – Version Schema, Multi-Release JARs, and More [sitepoint.com]
As Java 9 gets closer and closer (finger crossed) it’s getting more and more important to starting digging into the bits and bolts that are going to make up the new release.
This writeup is definitely a good place to start doing that.
Also worth reading:
>> Spring Framework Annotations cheat sheet [zeroturnaround.com]
>> Reactive Programming with RxJava book published [nurkiewicz.com]
>> 5 Reasons to Use JPA / Hibernate [thoughts-on-java.org]
>> Easy DSL design with Kotlin [frankel.ch]
>> Effective Domain Model Validation with Hibernate Validator [sitepoint.com]
>> How to call MySQL stored procedures and functions with JPA and Hibernate [vladmihalcea.com]
>> Everything and the Spring Cloud Data Flow Sink [engineering.pivotal.io]
>> You don’t want to build your own server: microprofile example [blog-rmannibucau.rhcloud.com]
Webinars and presentations:
>> Consumer Driven Contracts and Your Microservice Architecture [spring.io]
>> Industrial Strength Access Control for Spring Applications [infoq.com]
>> Spring Tips: Circuit Breakers [spring.io]
>> Spring Tips: Spring-Aware Beans [spring.io]
>> From Commit to Production in 10 Minutes at a Century Old Insurance Company [infoq.com]
>> Integrating Hybrid Cloud Database-as-a-Service with Cloud Foundry’s Service Broker [infoq.com]
>> Get Off the Bus, Gus: 50 Ways to Leave Your Mainframe [infoq.com]
>> Delivering Information in Context with Smart Applications [infoq.com]
>> Payara Micro And Docker [adam-bien.com]
>> Cloud Foundry: Cloud Native, Community, and Momentum [infoq.com]
Time to upgrade:
>> Spring Security 4.2 RC1 [spring.io]
>> Hibernate Validator 5.3.1.Final is out [in.relation.to]
>> Guava Release 20.0: Release Notes [github.com]
>> Fourth bug-fix release for ORM 5.2 [in.relation.to]
>> Spring Cloud Camden.SR2 is available [spring.io]
2. Technical and Musings
>> REST – Resource Association vs Resource Aggregation [alexecollins.com]
Really solid, practical post discussing how to design the URL space and semantics of an API. A quick read as well, and definitely worth the 5 minutes.
>> Applying Queueing Theory to Dynamic Connection Pool Sizing with FlexyPool [jooq.org]
A quick technical look at how to improve upon and get more out of traditional connection pool implementations.
>> On becoming a test automation craftsman [ontestautomation.com]
Like most other things in this field of developing software, testing is all about the value and the results, and really not about the shiny new tool.
Also worth reading:
>> IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3 EAP Adds React Native Debugger [jetbrains.com]
>> Keeping Your Code Clean while Logging [daedtech.com]
>> Docker on Windows 2016 Server [couchbase.com]
>> Docker Container Anti Patterns [couchbase.com]
>> The Red Cross Blood Service: Australia’s largest ever leak of personal data [troyhunt.com]
>> Code Reviews At Disy – Observations [codefx.org]
>> A Healthy Disdain for Technology [mattblodgett.com]
>> Why Should I Archive My Logs? [loggly.com]
3. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week: