A forward looking week a focus on reactive programming.
Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> Project Valhalla: Goals [mail.openjdk.java.net]
A very interesting read about the Java language itself and the direction it’s potentially heading into.
>> Testing RxJava [infoq.com]
Another very interesting look at RxJava, this time driven with tests. I’m definitely excited about version 2 coming out soon.
>> Small scale stream processing kata. Part 2: RxJava 1.x/2.x [nurkiewicz.com]
Reactive programming is clearly going mainstream in the Java ecosystem over the next 12 to 24 months.
Here’s another practical look at the main player in that space right now – RxJava.
This reaction writeup is also worth reading.
>> Spring Cloud Pipelines [spring.io]
A new (and heavily opinionated) new Spring Cloud project – with the goal of quickly rolling out a non-trivial deployment pipeline.
Also check out the Marcin’s announcement here.
Also worth reading:
>> How to use external XML mappings files (outside of JAR) with JPA and Hibernate [vladmihalcea.com]
>> Getting Started with Dropwizard [sitepoint.com]
>> Redundancy of the Java language [javaslang.io]
>> Spring Boot: Referencing @MockBeans by name [info.michael-simons.eu]
>> Extension functions for more consistent APIs [frankel.ch]
>> Component Object pattern example [lkrnac.net]
>> Spring Boot 1.4: Gherkin tests [moelholm.com]
Webinars and presentations:
>> Consumer Driven Contracts and Your Microservice Architecture [spring.io]
>> Spring Tips: A gentle introduction to Spring Integration [spring.io]
>> TDD: The Bad Parts [infoq.com]
>> Transforming the Monolith at 20M tph [infoq.com]
>> How to Train Your Microservice [infoq.com]
>> 2-Speed DevOps for Cloud-minded Enterprise [infoq.com]
>> Data Microservices in the Cloud [spring.io]
>> Siren 4 Java EE Hypermedia Client (Video) [sebastian-daschner.com]
Time to upgrade:
>> Selenium Big Announcement (Selenium 3 is Out) [baeldung.com]
>> Java DSL for Spring Integration 1.2 Release is available [spring.io]
>> Spring Cloud Task 1.1.0.M2 is now available [spring.io]
>> REST-Assured 3.0
>> Spring Cloud Data Flow 1.1 M2 Released [spring.io]
2. Musings
>> The New Minimalism [prog21.dadgum.com]
Good advice on working with abstractions and developing software in a pragmatic way.
>> Why coding is more fun than engineering [swizec.com]
Getting an insight into how someone else works is – at least for me – very useful. I generally am able to glean something out of it that I can apply to my own work and make it better.
It’s because of that this quick writeup was definitely a good read.
>> Reviewing Strangers’ Code on Github [daedtech.com]
Interesting suggestion on stepping out of the comfort zone of your own codebase and into another.
Whether or not Github is your jam, definitely do these kinds of reviews on the regular, as staying in a single codebase for years is often a cap on your growth.
Also worth reading:
>> A Developer’s View on the PostgreSQL Database [codecentric.de]
>> Now Open – AWS US East (Ohio) Region [aws.amazon.com]
>> In the Works – VMware Cloud on AWS [aws.amazon.com]
>> The Alchemy of Anomalies [loggly.com]
>> Open sourcing my workshop on WireMock [ontestautomation.com]
>> Here’s how I handle online abuse [troyhunt.com]
>> What to do when Your Colleague Creates Spaghetti Code [daedtech.com]
>> Accelerating Data: Faster and More Scalable ElastiCache for Redis [allthingsdistributed.com]
>> The Road to OSCP [codemonkeyism.co.uk]
3. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week:
>> I majored in art [dilbert.com]
>> Our new product is cannibalizing our old product [dilbert.com]
>> The best way to evaluate investment funds [dilbert.com]
5. Pick of the Week
This week I’m picking the new Hibernate course over on Thoughts on Java – given that the price increases in only 3 days:
>> The new Hibernate Course
Here’s a video series to learn more about the material.