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Java Web Weekly, Issue 146


1. Spring and Java

>> Securing JAX-RS Endpoints with JWT [antoniogoncalves.org]

JWT is becoming the de facto standard in web security yesterday. And JJWT is certainly a good way to go for an implementation.

>> Introducing Hibernate Search Sort DSL [in.relation.to]

The ElasticSearch support coming to Hibernate looks intelligently designed. Plus it’s a fluid API, which gives it some extra points.

>> How to update only a subset of entity attributes using JPA and Hibernate [vladmihalcea.com]

Who said Hibernate is a blunt instrument? You can get surgical with it, Training-Day style.

>> How to persist creation and update timestamps with Hibernate [thoughts-on-java.org]

Keeping track of create/update times is usually the first step towards building out audit logic – here’s a good, simple way of doing that in Hibernate.

Also worth reading:

Webinars and presentations:

Time to upgrade:

2. Technical

>> Evolving Distributed Systems [olivergierke.de]

This one’s first for a reason. It’s a step back and a real look at architecting a distributed system.

It talks about boundaries between systems, the essential question of inter-communication, all in the scope of achieving a good cadence of actually pushing out real work.

>> No More Boilerplate Code [thecodewhisperer.com]

Better code design? Why not.

>> API Simulation + Contact Testing = Happiness [alexecollins.com]

API contract testing is definitely an underused practice.

This is a very quick and to the point writeup introducing the concept and giving you some basic tools to get it going.

Also worth reading:

3. Musings

>> On the limits of TDD, and the limits of studies of TDD [virtuouscode.com]

The results of an interesting (albeit not super scientific) test about the results of doing TDD.

Of course measuring only a few of the concerns may not be very representative – TDD touches so many aspects of development that it’s tough to really quantify the impact it has.

>> Making sure inter-teams communication doesn’t work [frankel.ch]

Some common sense advice about good communication, which is unfortunately glossed over by so many organizations out there.

>> You don’t need tests [swizec.com]

I chuckled my way through this one. You should do the same.

>> Undercover Testability Killers [daedtech.com]

Unit testing is markedly difficult when you’re starting out.

Before even considering the correctness of the system, the first significant advantage of weaving tests into a system has is design. Good design doesn’t necessarily come from unit tests, but it’s a whole lot easier with these as a positive constraint on the system.

>> The Right Way to Run a Technical Interview [3riverdev.com]

A solid technique well worth doing when you’re running a technical interview.

Also worth reading:

4. Comics

And my favorite Dilberts of the week:

>> My idea-shredding gloves [dilbert.com]

>> Smart people like it [dilbert.com]

>> What makes you think you can do my job better? [dilbert.com]

5. Pick of the Week

>> How To Ask Questions The Smart Way [catb.org]

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