Lots of interesting writeups on Java 9 this week.
Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> Ahead-of-Time (AOT) Compilation May Come to OpenJDK HotSpot in Java 9 [infoq.com]
If you’re into the lower level aspects of Java compilation, this one’s short, to the point and highly interesting.
>> Spring-Reactive samples – Mono and Single [java-allandsundry.com]
I like to see these “practical learning” articles starting to bubble up as we get closer and closer to the upcoming reactive support in Spring 5.
>> How Optional Breaks the Monad Laws and Why It Matters [sitepoint.com]
Hmm, I need to read this one a third time.
>> Java 9, OSGi and the Future of Modularity (Part 2) [infoq.com]
Modularity is clearly going to the focus in Java 9 (and the reason the GA keeps getting pushed). This writeup (and the previous installment) are solid way to get up to speed with the upcoming release.
>> Concurrency Puzzle – System.arraycopy() [javaspecialists.eu]
I like concurrency, and I like puzzles. Need I say more?
OK, here are some hints as well.
Also worth reading:
>> Getting Started with Kubernetes 1.4 using Spring Boot and Couchbase [couchbase.com]
>> Netflix Zuul Gets a Makeover to a Asynchronous and Non-Blocking Architecture [infoq.com]
>> Type-safe annotations [frankel.ch]
>> (De)serializing POJOs in REST Assured [ontestautomation.com]
>> The best way to map a Java 1.8 Optional entity attribute with JPA and Hibernate [vladmihalcea.com]
>> A busy Java developers guide to developing microservices on Kubernetes and docker [fabric8.io]
>> MicroProfile in depth [voxxed.com]
>> How to generate UUIDs as primary keys with Hibernate [thoughts-on-java.org]
>> Schema Migration with Hibernate and FlywayDB [sitepoint.com]
>> “The most important benefit of microservices is agility” [jaxenter.com]
Webinars and presentations:
>> Spring Tips: Functional Reactive Endpoints with Spring Framework 5.0 [spring.io]
>> Unwinding Platform Complexity with Concourse [infoq.com]
>> When Java Shops Grow Up They Become Web Companies [infoq.com]
>> Building A No-Dependencies, Plain JavaScript App With Java EE Backend [adam-bien.com]
>> An Enterprise Journey to DevOps at Manulife [infoq.com]
>> HTTP Status Trek (REST Fest 2016) [apihandyman.io]
Time to upgrade:
>> Spring Data Hopper SR4 and Gosling SR6 released [spring.io]
>> Third bug-fix release for ORM 5.2 [in.relation.to]
>> What’s new in Mockito 2 [github.com]
>> Spring Integration, AMQP Maintenance Releases Available [spring.io]
>> Spring Cloud Data Flow for Kubernetes 1.1 M1 and 1.0.1 GA released [spring.io]
>> Spring Statemachine 1.2.0.M1 Released [spring.io]
>> Spring LDAP 2.2 RC1 [spring.io]
>> Red Hat Releases WildFly Application Server Version 10.1 [infoq.com]
2. Technical
>> The hardest thing in computer science [kaczmarzyk.net]
Naming things is hard – no two ways about it.
This writeup doesn’t just mention that (like so many other surface level articles) but actually goes into and explores the topic. There are definitely takeaways you can pull out from this one.
>> How to Choose the Right Log Management Tool? [takipi.com]
A system to handle, display and mine the log data produced by the system – highly useful and unfortunately so overlooked.
Keep in mind that any system will be better than just leaving the logs on the machine.
Also worth reading:
>> The Evolution of the Testing Pyramid [james-willett.com]
>> Why You Should Design Your Database to Optimise for Statistics [jooq.org]
3. Musings
>> Humility in Software Development [mattblodgett.com]
This one takes seconds to read and a lot longer to think about.
>> Habits that Help Code Quality [daedtech.com]
Good code is a journey, and it’s well worth investing time and reading up on these kinds of experience based writeups.
The best code I wrote 5 years ago looks so obviously crappy to me now, which is exactly how it should be.
Also worth reading:
>> Three years of blogging [vladmihalcea.com]
>> Securing Yourself a Better Title [daedtech.com]
>> Here’s how I deal with managed platform outages [troyhunt.com]
4. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week:
>> Listen to the charismatic tone of my deep, confident voice [dilbert.com]
>> Where you saying something about respect? [dilbert.com]
>> Did you close Skype? [dilbert.com]
5. Pick of the Week
“Figure out how this is actually your fault” is the single best piece of advice I got early on: