I just released the Master Class of "Learn Spring Security":
At the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung. Haven’t missed a review since.
Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> Proposed schedule change for JDK 9 [mail.openjdk.java.net]
This had to go first.
Not entirely unexpected, Java 9 got delayed by 4 months, which places GA in July of next year.
>> Private methods in interfaces in Java 9 [joda.org]
Java 9 is adding private methods on interfaces. Yes – you read that right
>> Java EE 8 Delayed Until End of 2017, Oracle Announces at JavaOne [infoq.com]
More clarity around the schedule and timeline of Java EE 8.
>> Feedback needed – Which constraints should be added? [beanvalidation.org]
A very quick survey asking for feedback on the exact constraints that should become part of the new bean validation standard.
Definitely worth voting on if you’re using the standard (and you probably are).
>> How to simplify JPA and Hibernate integration testing using Java 8 lambdas [relation.to]
Cool to see some Java 8 goodness in Hibernate.
>> JHipster 3.7 Tutorial Pt 3: Secure Service Communication Using OAuth2 [stytex.de]
A quick exploration of the new UAA functionality in JHipster – something I’m planning to make time to experiment with as well.
>> Complete Guide: Inheritance strategies with JPA and Hibernate [thoughts-on-java.org]
A good handle on inheritance strategies is a central aspect of understanding and working with JPA and Hibernate – and this article is a good way to brush up on the fundamentals.
>> JavaOne 2016 – Audience Gets a Glimpse of the Power of JShell [infoq.com]
JShell is one of the features I’m most excited about when Java 9 is going to drop.
>> Resource leakages: command pattern to the rescue [plumbr.eu]
Look – this isn’t new by any stretch of the imagination. Read it anyways – it might lead to code that behaves better.
>> Oracle Gives NetBeans to the Apache Foundation [infoq.com]
An unexpected move from Oracle, with hopefully positive consequences for the project.
That being said, that may also mean that the current Oracle team will slowly but surely be pulled from the project, which will definitely also have an impact.
Also worth reading:
>> JavaZone 2016 [trishagee.github.io]
>> 5 Reasons to Use JPA / Hibernate [sitepoint.com]
>> The Safe Builder Pattern [radicaljava.com]
>> The best way to lazy load entity attributes using JPA and Hibernate [vladmihalcea.com]
>> Running Hibernate Search with Elasticsearch on Pivotal CF [info.michael-simons.eu]
>> Getting started with Akka Stream Kafka – Using Kafka the reactive streams way [vanwilgenburg.com]
>> The Riot Games API: Fulfilling Zuul’s Destiny [engineering.riotgames.com]
>> API Infrastructure at Knewton: What’s in an Edge Service? [tech.knewton.com]
>> MicroProfile with WildFly Swarm [wildfly-swarm.io]
>> Replacing legacy Java EE application servers with microservices and containers [eisele.net]
>> Painful Reminder of Java Date Nuances [marxsoftware.com]
>> Share Your Stats to Improve Code Completion via Machine Learning [jetbrains.com]
>> JavaOne 2016 Essentials: 7 Events and Sessions That You Shouldn’t Miss [takipi.com]
Webinars and presentations:
>> Java EE: Accessing Resources In Docker In Stage Environment [adam-bien.com]
>> HotSpot under the Hood [infoq.com] ( and >> JavaOne 2016: HotSpot Under the Hood [alblue.bandlem.com] )
>> Google Cloud Platform for the Enterprise [infoq.com]
>> Persistence Arrives on Cloud Foundry [infoq.com]
>> Lessons Learned from Deploying Cloud Foundry on OpenStack [infoq.com]
>> Custom Tile Generation in PCF [infoq.com]
>> Are Your Microservices Naked and Afraid? [infoq.com]
>> Introduction to Akka Actors with Java 8 [jetbrains.com]
>> The Enabling Force of Technology at Liberty Mutual [infoq.com]
Time to upgrade:
>> Spring Boot 1.4.1 and 1.3.8 Available Now [spring.io]
>> Spring Framework 5.0 M2 released [spring.io]
>> Spring Framework 4.3.3 and 4.2.8 available now [spring.io]
>> Hibernate ORM 5.0.11.Final and 5.1.2.Final released [in.relation.to]
>> Spring MVC Archetype updated – Spring 4.3.2 introduced [codeleak.pl]
>> Spring Integration 4.3.2 is Available [spring.io]
>> Spring for Apache Kafka 1.1 GA and Spring Integration Kafka 2.1 GA are Available [spring.io]
>> Spring Releases Versions 2.3.1 and 2.4.0 Web Services [infoq.com]
2. Musings
>> Are you guilty of over-engineering? [frankel.ch]
This write-up is a good example of why TDD is so very useful. Design is the primary reason to do TDD – a design that almost always leads to fewer unnecessary abstractions like the one described here.
>> Old Geek [tbray.org]
It’s always baffling and sad to realize just how different the tech landscape looks over a certain age. It’s really a shame and easy to forget if you’re not there yet.
>> Here’s how broken today’s web will feel in Chrome’s secure-by-default future [troyhunt.com]
These changes are coming to Chrome (first) sooner rather than later. A bold step in the right direction – and one that’s especially interesting if you own a site.
>> Wherefore Art Thou, Tech Debt? [daedtech.com]
A insightful read about how different shops operate and about common patterns across the industry. Clearly a post born out of experience – and a hint of serenity that comes with that experience.
If you’re not doing consulting you’ve definitely seen some of these yourself but likely not all.
>> RPC vs REST is not in the URL [bizcoder.com]
Interesting position on REST, definitely coming from a different perspective.
>> What 60,000 Customer Searches Taught Us about Logging in JSON [loggly.com]
It’s always fun to read up on how the industry doing logging, and “start logging in JSON now” is a message I fully agree with.
Also worth reading:
>> The Complete Guide to Error Tracking Tools: Rollbar vs Raygun vs Sentry vs Airbrake vs Bugsnag vs OverOps [takipi.com]
>> Why Automate Code Reviews? [daedtech.com]
>> 5 Reasons Architect and Developers Argue [daedtech.com]
>> Stop starting with Scrum [codecentric.de]
3. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week:
>> Is that sarcasm? [dilbert.com]
>> When our CEO visits [dilbert.com]
>> Productivity went down [dilbert.com]
4. Pick of the Week
Petri’s course on testing is 30% off for a few more days, until the first package goes live.
So, right now is a great opportunity to get it, as it’s going to go up in price soon: