I just released the Master Class of "Learn Spring Security":
At the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung. Haven’t missed a review since.
Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> The Ultimate Guide To Java 9 [codefx.org]
A monster-post all about what’s coming in Java 9.
>> Scratching a JUnit Itch [dannorth.net]
An interesting read on bringing in some concepts from Go into JUnit.
A while I haven’t used Go before, I can definitely see how the approach makes sense in a lot of scenarios.
>> How to map encrypted database columns with Hibernate’s @ColumnTransformer annotation [thoughts-on-java.org]
A code-focus explanation of how to store sensitive data in the DB by using an encrypted column.
>> Page Object pattern example [lkrnac.net]
A quick and practical intro to the Page Object pattern; this is very close to the way I now write all my end-to-end tests.
Also worth reading:
>> Rebutting 5 Common Stream Tropes [codefx.org]
>> Running -XX:CompileCommand on Windows [marxsoftware.com]
>> Optional Improvements in Java 9 [iteratrlearning.com]
>> Process API – Java 9 [oio.de]
>> The hibernate.enable_lazy_load_no_trans Anti-Pattern [vladmihalcea.com]
Webinars and presentations:
>> 12 Factor, or Cloud Native Apps – What Exactly Does that Mean for Spring Developers? [infoq.com]
>> Running A Stock Java EE 7 Thin WAR On Docker [adam-bien.com]
>> Cloud Native Security: Rotate, Repair, Repave [infoq.com]
>> Using Clojure and Neo4j to Build a Meetup Recommendation Engine [infoq.com]
>> Empowering DevOps with Cloud Foundry [infoq.com]
>> Extending the Platform [infoq.com]
>> Cloud Native Java with Spring Cloud Services [infoq.com]
>> Applying Java 8 Idioms to Existing Code [infoq.com]
>> In the Workshop with GCP, HomeDepot.com & Cloud Foundry [infoq.com]
Time to upgrade:
>> Stormpath’s Java SDK 1.0 Released [infoq.com]
>> Hibernate Validator 5.3.0.CR1 is out [in.relation.to]
>> IntelliJ IDEA 2016.3 EAP: SF, Fira Code, Debugger Improvements and More [jetbrains.com]
>> Spring Session 1.2.2 Released [spring.io]
2. Technical
>> DDD Tutorial – Modelling Domain Relationship and Domain Service [sapiensworks.com]
The next step in the DDD journey I’ve been documenting here over the last few weeks.
This time focused on a more complex usecase to model.
>> Finding the link between heart rate and running pace with Spark ML – Fitting a linear regression model [vanwilgenburg.com]
A practical and cool writeup here – trying to find the relation between heart rate and pace of running.
I have a soft spot for this kind of analysis, after doing a couple of years of Mahout work and digging through similar datasets.
>> Why is troubleshooting so hard? [plumbr.eu]
We earn our troubleshooting chops on hard-mode.
That’s cool, because it turns out that – all of that stress of looking at things failing in production – makes us better engineers.
This quick writeup is a very high-level look at out options with the goal of better navigating this very nuanced and important landscape.
>> 9 Tips on ElasticSearch Configuration for High Performance [loggly.com]
Some very useful ElasticSearch practical tips from the Loggly team.
Getting some of these right can make or break your solution – as I personally learned the hard way over the last two and a half years of working with ES.
Also worth reading:
>> New – HTTP/2 Support for Amazon CloudFront [aws.amazon.com]
>> Amazon Aurora Update – Parallel Read Ahead, Faster Indexing, NUMA Awareness [aws.amazon.com]
>> Function signature: how do you order parameters? [lemire.me]
>> Infographic: IT Operations in a Serverless World [loggly.com]
>> JUnit vs TestNG: Which Testing Framework Should You Choose? [takipi.com]
3. Musings
>> How to handle unfinished User Stories in Scrum [codecentric.de]
A good answer to a very common question if you’re doing any kind of Scrum – especially in the beginning.
>> Static Analysis for Small Business [daedtech.com]
Static Analysis is one of those tools that, once picked up by a team, won’t be abandoned any time soon. A small team is no different, and this quick writeup explores why it does make sense here as well.
>> Are there too many people? [lemire.me]
I realize this is just scratching the surface and understanding how populations shrink and grow is a deep topic.
That being said, this was a good primer.
>> The Billing Maturity Model [daedtech.com]
If you’re doing consulting, this piece is going to help you out, if only to give you the context to step away from hourly billing.
And if you’re on this path, have a look at the “Hourly Billing is Nuts” book as well.
Also worth reading:
>> How to make difficult decisions [successfulsoftware.net]
>> Limits of the technical debt analogy [frankel.ch]
>> The Lurn [cleancoder.com]
4. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week: