I just released the Master Class of "Learn Spring Security":
At the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung. Haven’t missed a review since.
Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> Solving Fat JAR Woes at HubSpot [infoq.com]
A very interesting look at (and solution for) the scaling problems of using Fat Jars beyond a certain point.
>> AWS Lambda for Serverless Java Developers: What’s in It for You? [takipi.com]
A nice, quick intro to AWL Lambda.
>> Benefits of @Repeatable annotations in Hibernate 5.2 [thoughts-on-java.org]
I had no idea most Hibernate annotations are now repeatable. Very nice.
>> Spring Boot Microservice Development on Kubernetes: The Easy Way [christianposta.com]
Very useful series of screencasts, going deep into how to run Spring Boot on Docker and Kubernetes.
>> Spring Boot: Show all logging events for one Web request only [moelholm.com]
Very nicely done – using the log like a scalpel not like a machete.
Also worth reading:
>> JVM Debugger Memory View for IntelliJ IDEA [jetbrains.com]
>> LinkedIn Test Butler Aims to Improve UI Testing on Android [infoq.com]
>> Integrating with Rabbit MQ using Spring Integration Java DSL [java-allandsundry.com]
>> New implementation of mass indexer using JSR 352 [relation.to]
>> Hibernate Tips: Calculate entity attributes with @Formula [thoughts-on-java.org]
>> 7 Tips for Writing Better Unit Tests in Java [stormpath.com]
>> Oracle JRE and JDK Cryptographic Roadmap [java.com]
>> Simplified custom authorization rules in Java EE [arjan-tijms.omnifaces.org]
Presentations and Webinars:
>> Webinar Replay: Introducing Spring Cloud Task [spring.io]
>> Live Webinar: Introduction to Akka Actors with Java 8 [jetbrains.com]
Time to upgrade:
>> Spring Security 4.1.3 Released [spring.io]
>> Spring Cloud Spinnaker 1.0.0.M1 [spring.io]
>> Spring Cloud Brixton.SR5 is available [spring.io]
>> Spring for Apache Kafka 1.1.0 Milestone 1 Available [spring.io]
>> IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2.2 Update is Out [jetbrains.com]
>> WildFly 10.1 is now available! [wildfly.org]
>> Spring Cloud Data Flow for Cloud Foundry 1.0.0.RC1 now available [spring.io]
2. Technical and Musings
>> DDD Decoded – Application Services Explained [sapiensworks.com]
>> DDD Decoded – Modelling with CQS [sapiensworks.com]
>> DDD Decoded – Domain Relationships Explained [sapiensworks.com]
DDD is definitely one of the best ways to work on your architectural chops, and this series is clear and to the point explaining some of the basic concepts.
>> Fixing JSON [tbray.org]
Inside notes on making JSON better with the help of some minor tweaks.
>> Do you want a framework or a solution? [ontestautomation.com]
It’s well worth approaching test automation in a structured, intentional way, and most importantly with an open mind to picking a tool you might not yet be familiar with.
Otherwise – and I speak from experience – you may end up with a rats nest of unreliable tests.
>> Scaling Elasticsearch for Multi-Tenant, Multi-Cluster [loggly.com]
I really enjoyed reading through this writeup, mainly because I did a multi-tenant implementation on top of Elasticsearch when the platform was much less mature.
It’s a solid platform, but not without its very real and thorny issues.
Also worth reading:
>> What Does RESTful Really Mean? [sitepoint.com]
>> Think Before You Mongo [runnable.com]
>> Scala vs Kotlin: inline and infix [frankel.ch]
>> Assigning a subdomain to a Beanstalk application with AWS Route 53 [pragmaticintegrator.com]
>> Realtime Fast Data Analytics with Druid [codecentric.de]
>> MacOS filesystem’s annoying little quirk [swizec.com]
>> Teaching beginners [swizec.com]
>> Amazon WorkSpaces Update – Hourly Usage and Expanded Root Volume [aws.amazon.com]
>> Lessons learned from using xmonad for a year [advancedweb.hu]
Presentations and Webinars:
>> Dockerize it: stop living in the past and embrace the future [odino.org]
>> Understanding account enumeration, the video tutorial edition [troyhunt.com]
4. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week:
>> Was this going well until I said “waddle”? [dilbert.com]
>> If our call gets disconnected, I count that as a closed ticket [dilbert.com]
>> My existence will make your empire seem larger [dilbert.com]
5. Pick of the Week
>> Less stress, more productivity: why working fewer hours is better for you and your employer [codewithoutrules.com]
I just released the Master Class of "Learn Spring Security" Course:
Clik here to view.