1. Spring and Java
>> Introduction to MockMvcTester [petrikainulainen.net]
Learn about the new MockMvcTester API introduced in Spring 6.2, its benefits over the existing MockMvc, and how to configure and use it in a test.
>> Pi4J Welcomes Java 21 on the Raspberry Pi [foojay.io]
The Pi4j library (which allows programmatic access to the I/O capabilities of the Rasberry Pi using Java) has now been upgraded to Java 21.
Also worth reading:
- >> JavaOne 2025 Features Some of the Best Java Experts From Around the World [inside.java]
- >> Java 24: Build Games, Prototypes, Utilities, and More—With Less Boilerplate [jetbrains.com]
- >> Introduction to HotSpot JVM C2 JIT Compiler, Part 2 [eme64.github.io]
- >> Pull request testing on Kubernetes: vCluster for isolation and costs control [frankel.ch]
- >> Sliding Window Counter Rate Limiter (Redis & Java) [foojay.io]
Webinars and presentations:
- >> A Bootiful Podcast: BellSoft’s Catherine Edelveis [spring.io]
- >> Project Loom and Virtual Threads: Next Phases [inside.java]
- >> Foojay Podcast #67: Writing a book. Does it make you rich and famous? [foojay.io]
Time to upgrade:
- >> Spring for Apache Kafka 3.3.3, and 3.2.7 are Available Now [spring.io]
- >> Spring Boot 3.4.3 available now as well as 3.5.0-M2 [spring.io]
- >> Spring Modulith 1.4 M2, 1.3.3, and 1.2.9 released [spring.io]
- >> quarkus 3.18.4 [github.com/quarkusio]
- >> Elasticsearch 7.17.28 [github.com/elastic]
- >> Payara Platform Community 6.2025.2 [github.com/payara]
- >> helidon 4.1.7 [github.com/helidon-io]
- >> jOOQ 3.20 released [jooq.org]
2. Technical & Musings
>> Ugly Code and Dumb Things [pocoo.org]
An overview of the pros and cons of crafting clean code versus shipping pragmatic solutions, and when one approach may be more suitable than the other.
Also worth reading:
- >> A 16-Color Vim Color Scheme [hamvocke.com]
- >> GenAI Patterns: Fine Tuning [martinfowler.com]
- >> APoSD vs Clean Code, a debate [tryingthings.wordpress.com]
- >> Running NVIDIA NIM on GKE With the Kubernetes NIM Operator [christianposta.com]
- >> Building an AI content moderation service backed by an LLM [christianposta.com]
- >> Checking out Junie, a coding agent by JetBrains [foojay.io]
3. Pick of the Week
>> The Right Kind of Stubborn [paulgraham.com]
The post Java Weekly, Issue 583 first appeared on Baeldung.