1. Spring and Java
>> Evolution of Java Ecosystem for Integrating AI [inside.java]
An overview of Java libraries that enable LLM integration, with a close look at Oracle’s Generative AI service and LangChain4j.
>> Project Loom: Structured Concurrency – Java [foojay.io]
And a deep dive into what structured concurrency is, with a practical example of using the StructuredTaskScope API.
Also worth reading:
- >> Quality Outreach Heads-up – JDK 24: Remote Debugging with jstat and jhsdb Is Deprecated for Removal [inside.java]
- >> Join the Celebration of 30 Years of Java [foojay.io]
- >> Sliding Window Log Rate Limiter (Redis & Java) [foojay.io]
- >> StampedLock ReadWriteLock Dangers [javaspecialists.eu]
Webinars and presentations:
- >> Spring Boot co-creator Phil Webb and its biggest fan Josh Long look at its first ten whole years! [youtube.com]
- >> Java Language Evolution in 2025 – Inside Java Newscast #84 [inside.java]
- >> A Bootiful Podcast: HTMX creator Carson Gross [spring.io]
Time to upgrade:
- >> Spring Cloud 2025.0.0-M1 (aka Northfields) has been released [spring.io]
- >> Spring Cloud Stream Applications 2024.0.1 and 2025.0.0 are now available [spring.io]
- >> quarkus 3.18.1 [github.com/quarkusio]
- >> vert.x 5.0.0.CR4 [github.com/eclipse-vertx]
- >> Micronaut Core 4.7.13 [github.com/micronaut-projects]
2. Technical & Musings
>> A solution to the problem of cluster-wide CRDs [foojay.io]
Virtual clusters can run within a single physical Kubernetes cluster. This allows teams to use CRDs (which are cluster-wide) with different versions, at a much lower cost than running separate clusters for each team.
Also worth reading:
- >> Emerging Patterns in Building GenAI Products [martinfowler.com]
- >> How I Use AI: Meet My Promptly Hired Model Intern [pocoo.org]
- >> Bliki: Forest And Desert [martinfowler.com]
- >> JetBrains AI Coding Agent Junie Provides Tight Integration with JetBrains IDEs [infoq.com]
- >> Remote Development made simple with DevPod [frankel.ch]
- >> Debezium Joins the Commonhaus Foundation [infoq.com]
3. Pick of the Week
The very first non-Spring course is finally live. Probably not a surprise it’s focused on testing