1. Spring and Java
>> WebAssembly the Safer Alternative to Integrating Native Code in Java [infoq.com]
How WebAssembly (Wasm) offers a portable and secure solution, allowing native code to run safely on JVM applications. Interesting.
>> Advanced JShell Usage [dev.java]
An anthology of advanced examples of using JShell — loading external libraries, custom scripts, using JDK tools, and more!
>> How to integrate Jakarta Data with Spring and Hibernate [vladmihalcea.com]
It’s tricky but still doable: integrating Jakarta Data in Spring applications.
Also worth reading:
- >> Defining patterns of data transfers for Java applications with TornadoVM [foojay.io]
- >> Interview with a Java Champion: Reflections on a Storied Career and Insights for the Next Generation [foojay.io]
- >> Are Critical Vulnerabilities Lurking in Your Java Ecosystem? [foojay.io]
- >> Spring AI with NVIDIA LLM API [spring.io]
- >> Why Every Java Developer Should Attend SpringOne [tanzu.vmware]
- >> Leveraging Quarkus build-time metaprogramming capabilities to improve Jackson’s serialization performance [quarkus.io]
- >> Kotlin Coroutines and OpenTelemetry tracing [frankel.ch]
Webinars and presentations:
- >> A Bootiful Podcast: Gradle and Develocity engineer and Spring community legend Eric Haag [spring.io]
- >> A Code Reflection Example – Translating Java to SPIR-V #JVMLS [inside.java]
- >> Rethinking Java String Concatenation #JVMLS [inside.java]
Time to upgrade:
- >> Spring Framework 6.1.12, 6.0.23, and 5.3.39 Available Now [spring.io]
- >> Spring Data 2024.0.3 and 2023.1.9 released [spring.io]
- >> Spring Framework Releases Fixes for CVE-2024-38808 and CVE-2024-38809 [spring.io]
- >> Quarkus 3.14.0.CR1 released [github.com]
- >> Maven 3.9.9 released [github.com]
- >> Micronaut Core 4.6.1 released [github.com]
- >> helidon 4.1.0 released [github.com]
2. Technical & Musings
>> Growing Better in Product: the Importance of Collaborative Culture [product.hubspot.com]
A practical example of how cross-functional teams can efficiently collaborate to drive product growth.
Also worth reading:
- >> Notes on a Successful Second System [avdi.codes]
- >> Onboarding to a ‘legacy’ codebase with the help of AI [martinfowler.com]
- >> Writing and testing event-driven projections with Emmett, Pongo and PostgreSQL [event-driven.io]
3. Pick of the Week
Baeldung Pro is finally out and live
It’s been quite a road to get here.
Here’s a write-up in which I talk about how the membership was born (and a bit about how Baeldung works if you’re curious).
>> The Road to Membership and Baeldung Pro
And, if that’s too much context, here’s Baeldung Pro directly: