I just released the Starter Class of "Learn Spring Security":
At the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung. Haven’t missed a review since.
Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> Java 9 Additions To Optional [codefx.org]
Some interesting stuff is definitely coming to Optional in the JDK.
>> 5 Common Hibernate Exceptions and How to Fix Them [takipi.com]
I like to go through these exception focused articles – they usually have new insights I can glean for when I do get the exception.
>> Managing Secrets with Vault [spring.io]
Storing secret configuration data is almost always an important thing to get right in the overall architecture of a system.
It’s also one of the most common question I get from readers when it comes to project configuration. So this writeup is an interesting solution to that question. Not the only solution, but certainly an interesting one.
>> Turn Around. Don’t Use JPA’s loadgraph and fetchgraph Hints. Use SQL Instead. [jooq.org]
A different perspective on picking the persistence solution of your next greenfield project, talking about preferring plain SQL over something higher level such as JPA.
>> 14 High-Performance Java Persistence Tips [vladmihalcea.com]
Some low-hanging fruit (and not so low-hanging) to improve the performance of a Hibernate implementation.
>> “Micro Profile in Enterprise Java” Announced ! [antoniogoncalves.org] and >> The Enterprise Java Future Is Bright: Java EE 8 MicroProfile Launched [adam-bien.com]
Big announcements in the Java EE world (seems like every week now).
>> Close Encounters of The Java Memory Model Kind [shipilev.net]
A fantastic deep-dive into the JMM (still reading through it now). Definitely one to bookmark.
Also worth reading:
>> Installing Java Application As a Windows Service [techblog.bozho.net]
>> Spring Cloud Zuul Support – Configuring Timeouts [java-allandsundry.com]
>> Functor and monad examples in plain Java [nurkiewicz.com]
>> Forget Guava: 5 Google Libraries Java Developers Should Know [takipi.com]
>> What the JIT!? Anatomy of the OpenJDK HotSpot VM [infoq.com]
>> JVM JIT optimization techniques – part 2 [advancedweb.hu]
>> Testing REST Endpoints Using REST Assured [semaphoreci.com]
>> Accurest Becomes Part of the Spring Cloud Contract [toomuchcoding.com]
>> Hibernate Tips: How to initialize lazy relationships within a query [thoughts-on-java.org]
>> Spring Boot: RxJava Declarative Schedulers [jmnarloch.com]
>> Multi-Cloud is a Safety Belt for the Speed-Freaks [infoq.com]
>> Ruling Database Testing with DBUnit Rules [rpestano.com]
Webinars and presentations:
>> Behind the Scenes with Metamarkets, Episode 2 [metamarkets.com]
>> Best Practices Using The CDT Debugger [infoq.com]
>> Preparing Your Code for JDK 9 [infoq.com]
>> A Code-Driven Microservices Session. From infoSharePL 2016 [adam-bien.com]
>> Cloud Native – Phil Webb – SpringBoot at SpringOne [youtube.com]
Time to upgrade:
>> Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.4.0 GA released [spring.io]
>> Polishing, polishing and more polishing: Hibernate Search 5.5.4.Final is here! [in.relation.to]
2. Technical and Musings
>> Code Review and How Enterprises Can Miss The Point [daedtech.com]
An insightful analysis of the motivations of different players in a large organization when it comes to code reviews and to getting something useful out of the practice. Well worth reading.
>> How I prepared for the NDC keynote (and other speaker tips) [troyhunt.com]
Some solid, to the point advice on speaking well.
I feel that speaking is a life-long journey and there’s always a lot to learn. And delivering a good presentation is such an important skill that it really makes sense to spend time and learn how to do it well, as much as possible.
>> Learning a Healthy Fear of Legacy Code [daedtech.com]
Here be dragons.
>> Expanding the Cloud: Introducing the AWS Asia Pacific (Mumbai) Region [allthingsdistributed.com]
Yeah, one more region to play with, after Frankfurt.
>> Special Skills [dandreamsofcoding.com]
There’s a time to study the foundations and there’s a time to specialize. And while foundations are important, specialization and niching down are more and more critical today.
>> Jepsen: Crate 0.54.9 version divergence [aphyr.com]
Who knew that the Elasticsearch data consistency problems (which are quite real) would go beyond the core product and spread to other solutions as well. It’s not that surprising though.
>> Amazon Elastic File System – Production-Ready in Three Regions [aws.amazon.com] and
Elastic Network Adapter – High Performance Network Interface for Amazon EC2 [aws.amazon.com]
Two important announcements of new AWS goodness in a single week.
Also worth reading:
>> Verification of Event-Driven Systems [abdullin.com]
>> BoiledCarrot [martinfowler.com]
>> Curious Customer [jayfields.com]
>> New Ways to Discover and Use Alexa Skills [allthingsdistributed.com]
>> To Stay Or Not To Stay [jacquesmattheij.com]
3. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week: