1. Spring and Java
>> Faster Maven builds in Docker [blog.frankel.ch]
Faster Maven builds are always good. Especially when you have a repo that takes an hour and a half to build

>> Fetching a DTO With a To-Many Association [thorben-janssen.com]
DTO Projections are definitely the way to go, instead of, at any point, returning entities. So, learning to use these is quite useful.
Also worth reading:
- >> Oracle Proposes Shorter Java LTS Cycle of Two Years [infoq.com]
- >> JEP 408: Simple Web Server [openjdk.java.net]
- >> Use jOOλ’s Sneaky Throw to Avoid Checked Exceptions [jooq.org]
- >> The JPA and Hibernate second-level cache [vladmihalcea.com]
- >> Resource Scope Dependencies [inside.java]
Webinars and presentations:
- >> A Bootiful Podcast: Heiko Scherrer on OpenWMS, Spring, Spring Boot, Spring Data, workflow with Activiti, and more [spring.io]
- >> Learn Java 17 with IntelliJ IDEA [youtube.com]
- >> G1: To Infinity and Beyond [inside.java]
- >> Modern, Scalable Concurrency for the Java Platform [inside.java]
- >> Spring Tips: Spring GraphQL [spring.io]
- >> Spring Tips: Spring Plugin [spring.io]
Time to upgrade:
- >> Mockito 4.0 is released [github.com]
- >> IntelliJ IDEA 2021.3 EAP 4: Remote Development, Groovy 4 Support, and More [blog.jetbrains.com]
- >> Hibernate ORM 5.6.0.Final released [in.relation.to]
- >> Hibernate ORM 6.0.0.Beta1 released [in.relation.to]
- >> JHipster release v7.3.0 [jhipster.tech]
- >> Hibernate Reactive 1.0.0.CR10 released [in.relation.to]
2. Technical & Musings
>> Safe Updates of Client Applications at Netflix [netflixtechblog.com]
Learning how Netflix does things is, well, worth it. You do need to have the context of a large, mature project in mind, of course.
>> SRE Doesn’t Scale [bravenewgeek.com]
Like my previous note about Netflix, this applies to larger orgs, but it's still a very interesting read, regardless of your org size.
Also worth reading:
- >> Media types and the Content-Type header [mscharhag.com]
- >> How VPCs help with security and compliance on your AWS networks [blog.scottlogic.com]
- >> The Test Coverage Trap [arnoldgalovics.com]
- >> Introducing ClusterClass and Managed Topologies in Cluster API [kubernetes.io]
- >> PayPal Adopts GraphQL: Gains Increased Developer Productivity [infoq.com]
- >> Interpreting A/B test results: false positives and statistical significance [netflixtechblog.com]
- >> Responsible Tech Playbook [martinfowler.com]
- >> CAMBI, a banding artifact detector [netflixtechblog.medium.com]
3. Pick of the Week
I sent out an email about Datadog earlier in the week, and I wanted to highlight one of the cool core aspects of their platform here as well – logging, and the deep integration with APM:
>> Logging and APM over at Datadog [datadoghq.com]