1. Spring and Java
>> JEP 406: Pattern Matching for switch (Preview) [openjdk.java.net]
Patterns meet switch expressions – the proposal to use pattern matching on switching cases!
>> A (definitive?) guide on LazyInitializationException [blog.frankel.ch]
Taming lazy entity associations – introducing solutions such as eager relationships, OSIV, DTOs, Hibernate Hydrate, fetch join, and entity graphs.
>> Performance of running Spring Boot as AWS Lambda functions [arnoldgalovics.com]
Productivity vs performance: comparing Spring Boot with vanilla Java in a serverless configuration. Good stuff.
Also worth reading:
- >> The Road to Kotlin 1.5 [infoq.com]
- >> Proposed schedule for JDK 17 [openjdk.java.net]
- >> Polymorphic association mappings of independent classes [thorben-janssen.com]
- >> Eclipse Adoptium (Formerly known as AdoptOpenJDK) Working Group Formally Established [infoq.com]
- >> Implementing Plugins with Java's Service Provider Interface [reflectoring.io]
- >> Implementing equals(Object) with instanceof Pattern Matching [marxsoftware.com]
- >> Convert Spring Boot Apps to GraalVM with Spring Native Beta [infoq.com]
Webinars and presentations:
- >> Java 16 Rundown, First Of Java 17 – Inside Java Newscast #1 [youtube.com]
- >> A Bootiful Podcast: Shigeru Urushibara, President and CEO at UL Systems, Inc., and Japanese technology ecosystem legend [spring.io]
- >> SpringOne Tour 2021: #Booternetes [spring.io]
Time to upgrade:
- >> MicroProfile 4.0 support now available in Open Liberty [openliberty.io]
- >> Spring Data 2021.0.0-RC1 and 2020.0.7 released [spring.io]
- >> Weld 4.0.1.Final [weld.cdi-spec.org]
- >> IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1 Release Candidate Is Out! [blog.jetbrains.com]
2. Technical
>> SQL Server deadlock trace flags [vladmihalcea.com]
Hunting down deadlock causes in SQL server – taking advantage of trace flags and error logs for root cause analysis!
Also worth reading:
- >> Fargate with EFS and Aurora Serverless using AWS CDK [blog.codecentric.de]
- >> Development workflows that put you in a flow state [blog.sebastian-daschner.com]
- >> Alibaba Cloud Uses Dapr to Support Its Business Growth [infoq.com]
3. Musings
>> Disconnecting From Work is a Skill We Need to Rebuild [morethancoding.com]
Tips for improving productivity and creativity by getting disconnected from work!
Also worth reading:
- >> App Modernization: If You Want to Succeed, Don't Ignore Culture [tanzu.vmware.com]
- >> Crowded backlog? A product is more than the sum of its features [blog.codecentric.de]
- >> Escape the Permission Trap with Healthy Habits [benjiweber.co.uk]
- >> Piano Practice Software Progress [jacquesmattheij.com]
- >> Software Development in Disruptive Times [queue.acm.org]
4. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week:
>> Dogbert Crisis Consultant [dilbert.com]
>> Cut Pay For No Commute [dilbert.com]
>> Reschedule The Zoom Call [dilbert.com]
5. Pick of the Week
>> Why Most Programmers End Up Being (or Are) Underperforming Technical Leads [betterprogramming.pub]
The post Java Weekly, Issue 379 first appeared on Baeldung.