1. Spring and Java
>> Monitoring Deserialization to Improve Application Security [inside.java]
Meet JFR deserialization event – a new addition in Java 17 to monitor deserialization events in a Java application.
>> Welcome 20% less memory usage for G1 remembered sets [tschatzl.github.io]
Aiming for G1GC with better memory usage – reducing the remembered set footprint by 20%!
>> Creating and Analyzing Java Heap Dumps [reflectoring.io]
Investigating memory problems by taking a memory snapshot from a running JVM instance!
Also worth reading:
- >> Making sense of Native Image contents [medium.com]
- >> Primitive type patterns and conversions [mail.openjdk.java.net]
- >> Road to Scala 3 [infoq.com]
- >> Monitoring across frameworks [blog.frankel.ch]
- >> Testing Quarkus Web Applications: Writing Clean Component Tests [infoq.com]
- >> Java NullPointerException Avoidance and Enhancement Tactics [marxsoftware.blogspot.com]
- >> Top “n” using a Priority Queue [java-allandsundry.com]
- >> Improving Java’s Visibility Modifiers with ArchUnit [4comprehension.com]
- >> Configuring Spring Data JPA with Spring Boot [thorben-janssen.com]
Webinars and presentations:
- >> A Bootiful Podcast: Spring legend Greg Turnquist on Spring Data REST, HATEOAS, CI, and so much more. [spring.io]
- >> Keeping Brazil’s Medical Industry Safe with MicroProfile | JakartaOne Livestream 2020 [tomitribe.com]
- >> Spring Tips: Spring Cloud Gateway (Redux) [spring.io]
Time to upgrade:
- >> Spring Integration Zip 1.0.4 & CVE-2021-22114 [spring.io]
- >> PomChecker 1.1.0 has been released! [andresalmiray.com]
2. Technical
>> Merge Join Algorithm [vladmihalcea.com]
Sort and merge using Merge Join – an efficient algorithm to join tables on indexed columns.
Also worth reading:
- >> DDD is Overrated [tilkov.com]
- >> The Netflix Cosmos Platform [netflixtechblog.com]
- >> AWS Asia Pacific (Osaka) Region Now Open to All, with Three AZs and More Services [aws.amazon.com]
- >> MySQL Query Profiling Using Performance Schema [vladmihalcea.com]
- >> Data movement for Google services at Netflix [netflixtechblog.com]
3. Musings
>> Do I Make Myself Clear? [blogs.vmware.com]
Words matter – the importance of good words on communication, inclusion, and respect.
Also worth reading:
- >> Better and Cheaper Estimates, If You Must [blog.jbrains.ca]
- >> How to build mental health resilience [blog.scottlogic.com]
- >> Software estimation is your most costly activity. Why not reduce it? [morethancoding.com]
4. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week:
>> Remote Workforce [dilbert.com]
>> Destroy The Competition [dilbert.com]
>> Feedback To Boss [dilbert.com]
5. Pick of the Week
Finally announcing a new course focused on Spring Data JPA:
>> Learn Spring Data JPA
As with all of my courses, the intro-level pricing will only be available during the launch – so, it will go up at the end of next week.
The post Java Weekly, Issue 375 first appeared on Baeldung.