I usually post about Dev stuff on Twitter - you can follow me there:
Follow @baeldungAt the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung. Haven’t missed a review since.
Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> Refactoring Code to Load a Document [martinfowler.com]
A well documented, lengthy, “reference-able a year from now” article about one of the hardest problems in software development – managing change well.
Specifically JSON documents/data, published externally to clients.
>> 5 Tips for Reducing Your Java Garbage Collection Overhead [takipi.com]
Some solid, practical tips on improving the memory footprint of your system.
>> Backing Spring Cache with Couchbase [couchbase.com]
A play-by-play on making Couchbase jive with Spring.
I had this one on the content calendar of the site – maybe it’s time to take it off Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.
>> How to recognize different types of beans from quite a long way away [next-presso.com]
A deep dive into beans in CDI. If you’re doing Java EE work, this is definitely one to read.
>> OpenJDK 9: Life Without HPROF and jhat [infoq.com]
A quick overview of some of the low level tools that are not going to be part of Java 9, as a result of the modularization cleanup work.
Also worth reading:
>> Java Version Strings Evolve for Java 9 [infoq.com]
>> Stream Processing With Spring, Kafka, Spark and Cassandra – Part 3 [msvaljek.com]
>> Generating HTML Documentation From RAML Documents With Maven [petrikainulainen.net]
>> On PowerMock abuse [frankel.ch]
>> Check out our new tutorial -> React.js and Spring Data REST [sping.io]
>> jOOQ Tuesdays: Rafael Winterhalter is Wrestling Byte Code with Byte Buddy [jooq.org]
Webinars and presentations:
>> Is your profiler speaking the same language as you? [infoq.com]
>> Boot Your Search with Spring [infoq.com]
>> Create Elegant Builds at Scale with Gradle [infoq.com]
>> Becoming an Advanced Groovy Developer [infoq.com]
>> Data Driven Action: A Primer on Data Science [infoq.com]
Time to upgrade:
>> Spring Framework 4.2.4 & 4.1.9 released [spring.io]
>> Spring Framework 3.2.16 available now [spring.io]
>> Spring Batch 3.0.6.RELEASE is now available [spring.io]
>> 6th bug-fix release for ORM 5.0 [in.relation.to]
>> Log4j 2.5 released [apache.org]
>> Apache Tomcat 7.0.67 released [apache.org]
2. Technical
>> Tracking HTTP/2.0 Adoption [shodan.io]
Very interesting and promising data about the adoption of the various HTTP/1.x alternatives.
>> Why 451? [mnot.net]
It’s not every day that a new HTTP status code gets created – especially one about censorship. A quick and interesting read.
Also worth reading:
>> EC2 Update – T2.Nano Instances Now Available [aws.amazon.com]
>> TLS Client Authentication [techblog.bozho.net]
>> New – Route 53 Traffic Flow [aws.amazon.com]
>> It’s Still the Data, Stupid! [shodan.io]
>> Top 5 Docker Logging Methods to Fit Your Container Deployment Strategy [loggly.com]
>> How to Use AWS Elasticsearch for Log Management [logz.io]
>> New – Managed NAT (Network Address Translation) Gateway for AWS [aws.amazon.com]
3. Musings
>> Escaping Sucker Culture [daedtech.com]
After the highly interesting and popular article from last week, this followup goes into some of the tactics that an employee can keep in mind (and do) when they’re in an over-work culture.
>> BDD: A Three-Headed Monster [lizkeogh.com]
A solid piece about BDD; doing BDD well is going to make my 2016 goals list – and this is the kind of writeup that I need to come back to.
>> The Soul of a New Release: Eating Our Own Dog Food [infoq.com]
Putting out a new version of your system can be smooth sailing if you’re employing some good practices and tactics along the way. This is the way Plumbr did theirs.
Also worth reading:
>> Use Visibility & Facts to Avoid Lengthy War Rooms & Miscommunication [apmblog.dynatrace.com]
4. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week:
>> If it weren’t urgent, it would be email… [dilbert.com]
>> All the numbers were wrong [dilbert.com]
>> Should we always ignore what the data said? [dilbert.com]
5. Pick of the Week
As you know, I very rarely pick my own stuff here, in the weekly review. But – in a couple of days, my “REST With Spring” course will finally be done and going live. I’ve been working on it for 4 months now, so it feel good to finally set it free:
>> The Master Class of “REST With Spring”
I usually post about Dev stuff on Twitter - you can follow me there:
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