I usually post about Dev stuff on Twitter - you can follow me there:
Follow @baeldungAt the very beginning of last year, I decided to track my reading habits and share the best stuff here, on Baeldung. Haven’t missed a review since.
Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> JEP 269: Convenience Factory Methods for Collections [java.net]
Quick and clean JDK making collection creation easier in Java. This is how the language gets better.
>> Resource versioning with Spring MVC [mscharhag.com]
Highly useful writeup on making your static assets cacheable with Spring – simple and to the point.
Also worth reading:
>> Sonarqube And Java 8 [alexecollins.com]
>> Spring Sweets: Reload Classes Spring Boot With Spring Loaded And Gradle Continuous Build [mrhaki]
>> Deploying Spring Boot Applications to Heroku [devcenter.heroku.com]
>> Groovy and Grails Plans Announced at SpringOne2GX [infoq.com]
>> High Level Plans for Spring 4.3 and 5.0 Announced at SpringOne2GX [infoq.com]
>> Custom operators for collections in Java [vanillajava]
Webinars and presentations:
>> Introduction to Java Profiling [infoq.com]
Time to upgrade:
>> Spring Boot 1.2.6 released [spring.io]
>> Java DSL for Spring Integration 1.1 GA is Available [spring.io]
>> Spark framework logo Spark 2.3 released [sparkjava.com]
>> Now Available – Amazon Linux AMI 2015.09 [aws.amazon.com]
>> IntelliJ IDEA 14.1.5 Update is Out [jetbrains.com]
>> Krwkrw 0.1.3 Released [geekabyte]
2. Technical
>> Writing an Event-Sourced CQRS Read Model [squirrel.pl]
Yet another solid writeup exploring the details of an Event-Sourced architecture – this time focusing on re-projecting all events on to an empty projection.
>> Scale it to Billions — What They Don’t Tell you in the Cassandra README [threatstack.com]
If you’re running a Cassandra cluster, this stuff can and will save your bacon.
Also worth reading:
>> Call me Maybe: Percona XtraDB Cluster [aphyr.com]
>> AWS Storage Update – New Lower Cost S3 Storage Option & Glacier Price Reduction [aws.amazon.com]
3. Musings
>> Remember to Reevaluate [bitquabit.com]
Maybe taking a second look at a technology that I formed an opinion on five years ago is a good idea. That being said – I’m not looking at SVN again.
>> The Universality of Postel’s Law [michaelfeathers.silvrback.com]
“Design is deep topic. One could say it’s the deepest.”
>> What do you want to be known for? [katemats.com]
Good positioning is not something that “just happens” – it’s an intentional, strategic, multi-year effort but one that can lead to some pretty cool things.
>> How we lost (and found) millions by not A/B testing [signalvnoise.com]
Good take-aways from a major design change, a re-positioning campaign and a general re-brand.
Also worth reading:
>> The “consensus” is sometimes wrong [lemire.me]
>> Managing to Avoid Cobras [daedtech.com]
>> Modularity on My Honeymoon [daedtech.com]
4. Comics
And my favorite comics of the week:
>> Coder leaves nothing to chance [commitstrip.com]
>> The blob-ject [commitstrip.com]
>> Picture a Grassy Field [xkcd.com]
5. Pick of the Week
I haven’t been super public with this – but a few months back I opened up Baeldung to other authors.
I’ve been slowly realizing that I just can’t cover all the cool stuff readers are asking me to write about, so if you’re interested in writing for the site – send me a line: