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Spring Data Reactive Repositories with MongoDB


1. Introduction

In this tutorial, we’re going to see how to configure and implement database operations using Reactive Programming through Spring Data Reactive Repositories with MongoDB.

We’ll go over the basic usages of ReactiveCrudRepository, ReactiveMongoRepository, as well as ReactiveMongoTemplate.

Even though these implementations use reactive programming, that isn’t the primary focus of this tutorial.

2. Environment

In order to use Reactive MongoDB, we need to add the dependency to our pom.xml.

We’ll also add an embedded MongoDB for testing:

    // ...

3. Configuration

In order to activate the reactive support, we need to use the @EnableReactiveMongoRepositories alongside with some infrastructure setup:

public class MongoReactiveApplication
  extends AbstractReactiveMongoConfiguration {

    public MongoClient mongoClient() {
        return MongoClients.create();

    protected String getDatabaseName() {
        return "reactive";

Note that the above would be necessary if we were using the standalone MongoDB installation. But, as we’re using Spring Boot with embedded MongoDB in our example, the above configuration is not necessary.

4. Creating a Document

For the examples below, let’s create an Account class and annotate it with @Document to use it in the database operations:

public class Account {
    private String id;
    private String owner;
    private Double value;
    // getters and setters

5. Using Reactive Repositories

We are already familiar with the repositories programming model, with the CRUD methods already defined plus support for some other common things as well.

Now with the Reactive model, we get the same set of methods and specifications, except that we’ll deal with the results and parameters in a reactive way.

5.1. ReactiveCrudRepository

We can use this repository the same way as the blocking CrudRepository:

public interface AccountCrudRepository 
  extends ReactiveCrudRepository<Account, String> {
    Flux<Account> findAllByValue(String value);
    Mono<Account> findFirstByOwner(Mono<String> owner);

We can pass different types of arguments like plain (String), wrapped (Optional, Stream), or reactive (Mono, Flux) as we can see in the findFirstByOwner() method.

5.2. ReactiveMongoRepository

There’s also the ReactiveMongoRepository interface, which inherits from ReactiveCrudRepository and adds some new query methods:

public interface AccountReactiveRepository 
  extends ReactiveMongoRepository<Account, String> { }

Using the ReactiveMongoRepository, we can query by example:

Flux<Account> accountFlux = repository
  .findAll(Example.of(new Account(null, "owner", null)));

As a result, we’ll get every Account that is the same as the example passed.

With our repositories created, they already have defined methods to perform some database operations that we don’t need to implement:

Mono<Account> accountMono 
  = repository.save(new Account(null, "owner", 12.3));
Mono<Account> accountMono2 = repository

5.3. RxJava2CrudRepository

With RxJava2CrudRepository, we have the same behavior as the ReactiveCrudRepository, but with the results and parameter types from RxJava:

public interface AccountRxJavaRepository 
  extends RxJava2CrudRepository<Account, String> {
    Observable<Account> findAllByValue(Double value);
    Single<Account> findFirstByOwner(Single<String> owner);

5.4. Testing Our Basic Operations

In order to test our repository methods, we’ll use the test subscriber:

public void givenValue_whenFindAllByValue_thenFindAccount() {
    repository.save(new Account(null, "Bill", 12.3)).block();
    Flux<Account> accountFlux = repository.findAllByValue(12.3);

      .assertNext(account -> {
          assertEquals("Bill", account.getOwner());
          assertEquals(Double.valueOf(12.3) , account.getValue());

public void givenOwner_whenFindFirstByOwner_thenFindAccount() {
    repository.save(new Account(null, "Bill", 12.3)).block();
    Mono<Account> accountMono = repository

      .assertNext(account -> {
          assertEquals("Bill", account.getOwner());
          assertEquals(Double.valueOf(12.3) , account.getValue());

public void givenAccount_whenSave_thenSaveAccount() {
    Mono<Account> accountMono = repository.save(new Account(null, "Bill", 12.3));

      .assertNext(account -> assertNotNull(account.getId()))

6. ReactiveMongoTemplate

Besides the repositories approach, we have the ReactiveMongoTemplate.

First of all, we need to register ReactiveMongoTemplate as a bean:

public class ReactiveMongoConfig {
    MongoClient mongoClient;

    public ReactiveMongoTemplate reactiveMongoTemplate() {
        return new ReactiveMongoTemplate(mongoClient, "test");

And then, we can inject this bean into our service to perform the database operations:

public class AccountTemplateOperations {
    ReactiveMongoTemplate template;

    public Mono<Account> findById(String id) {
        return template.findById(id, Account.class);
    public Flux<Account> findAll() {
        return template.findAll(Account.class);
    public Mono<Account> save(Mono<Account> account) {
        return template.save(account);

ReactiveMongoTemplate also has a number of methods that do not relate to the domain we have, you can check them out in the documentation.

7. Conclusion

In this brief tutorial, we’ve covered the use of repositories and templates using reactive programming with MongoDB with Spring Data Reactive Repositories framework.

The full source code for the examples is available over on GitHub.

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