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REST-assured with Groovy


1. Overview

In this tutorial, we’ll take a look at using the REST-assured library with Groovy.

Since REST-assured uses Groovy under the hood, we actually have the opportunity to use raw Groovy syntax to create more powerful test cases. This is where the framework really comes to life.

For the setup necessary to use REST-assured, check out our previous article.

2. Groovy’s Collection API

Let’s start by taking a quick look at some basic Groovy concepts – with a few simple examples to equip us with just what we need.

2.1. The findAll method

In this example, we’ll just pay attention to methods, closures and the it implicit variable. Let’s first create a Groovy collection of words:

def words = ['ant', 'buffalo', 'cat', 'dinosaur']

Let’s now create another collection out of the above with words with lengths that exceed four letters:

def wordsWithSizeGreaterThanFour = words.findAll { it.length() > 4 }

Here, findAll() is a method applied to the collection with a closure applied to the method. The method defines what logic to apply to the collection and the closure gives the method a predicate to customize the logic.

We’re telling Groovy to loop through the collection and find all words whose length is greater than four and return the result into a new collection.

2.2. The it variable

The implicit variable it holds the current word in the loop. The new collection wordsWithSizeGreaterThanFour will contain the words buffalo and dinosaur.

['buffalo', 'dinosaur']

Apart from findAll(), there are other Groovy methods.

2.3. The collect iterator

Finally, there is collect, it calls the closure on each item in the collection and returns a new collection with the results of each. Let’s create a new collection out of the sizes of each item in the words collection:

def sizes = words.collect{it.length()}

The result:


We use sum, as the name suggests to add up all elements in the collection. We can sum up the items in the sizes collection like so:

def charCount = sizes.sum()

and the result will be 21, the character count of all the items in the words collection.

2.4. The max/min operators

The max/min operators are intuitively named to find the maximum or minimum number in a collection :

def maximum = sizes.max()

The result should be obvious, 8.

2.5. The find iterator

We use find to search for only one collection value matching the closure predicate.

def greaterThanSeven=sizes.find{it>7}

The result, 8, the first occurrence of the collection item that meets the predicate.

3. Validate JSON with Groovy

If we have a service at http://localhost:8080/odds, that returns a list of odds of our favorite football matches, like this:

    "odds": [{
        "price": 1.30,
        "status": 0,
        "ck": 12.2,
        "name": "1"
        "price": 5.25,
        "status": 1,
        "ck": 13.1,
        "name": "X"
        "price": 2.70,
        "status": 0,
        "ck": 12.2,
        "name": "0"
        "price": 1.20,
        "status": 2,
        "ck": 13.1,
        "name": "2"

And if we want to verify that the odds with a status greater than 1 have prices 1.20 and 5.25, then we do this:

public void givenUrl_whenVerifiesOddPricesAccuratelyByStatus_thenCorrect() {
    get("/odds").then().body("odds.findAll { it.status > 0 }.price",
      hasItems(5.25f, 1.20f));

What is happening here is this; we use Groovy syntax to load the JSON array under the key odds. Since it has more than one item, we obtain a Groovy collection. We then invoke the findAll method on this collection.

The closure predicate tells Groovy to create another collection with JSON objects where status is greater than zero.

We end our path with price which tells groovy to create another list of only prices of the odds in our previous list of JSON objects. We then apply the hasItems Hamcrest matcher to this list.

4. Validate XML with Groovy

Let’s assume we have a service at http://localhost:8080/teachers, that returns a list of teachers by their id, department and subjects taught as below:

    <teacher department="science" id=309>
    <teacher department="arts" id=310>
        <subject>political education</subject>

Now we can verify that the science teacher returned in the response teaches both math and physics:

public void givenUrl_whenVerifiesScienceTeacherFromXml_thenCorrect() {
      "teachers.teacher.find { it.@department == 'science' }.subject",
        hasItems("math", "physics"));

We have used the XML path teachers.teacher to get a list of teachers by the XML attribute, department. We then call the find method on this list.

Our closure predicate to find ensures we end up with only teachers from the science department. Our XML path terminates at the subject tag.

Since there is more than one subject, we will get a list which we validate with the hasItems Hamcrest matcher.

5. Conclusion

In this article, we’ve seen how we can use the REST-assured library with the Groovy language.

For the full source code of the article, check out our GitHub project.

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