Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> Monitor and troubleshoot Java applications and services with Datadog
Optimize performance with end-to-end tracing and out-of-the-box support for popular Java frameworks, application servers, and databases. Try it free.
>> Spring Cloud Contract in a polyglot world []
Proper integration testing is tricky and Contract Testing is another take that can significantly help with that story.
>> On Spring Data and REST []
Another interesting but controversial feature of Spring Data.
>> Reactive Streams in Java 9 []
An introduction to Reactive Streams – this time, in core Java.
Also worth reading:
>> Implementing Json Decoders using Vavr []
>> Building a CI System with Java 9 Modules and Vert.x Microservices []
>> Deploying Spring Boot Applications in the Google AppEngine Flex Environment []
>> Vote for Java EE’s New Name []
>> Compliance with Object Calisthenics []
>> APIs To Be Removed from Java 10 []
>> IntelliJ IDEA 2018.1 EAP: inline external annotations, Java Compiler enhancement and more []
>> Java enterprise security for cloud and microservices platforms []
>> Tracing messages in Choreography with Sleuth and Zipkin []
Webinars and presentations:
>> Designing, Implementing and Using Reactive APIs []
>> Continuous Deployment to the Cloud []
>> Concourse in the Real World: A Case Study in CI/CD and DevOps []
>> Crossing the CI/CD/DevOps Chasm []
>> Cloud-Native Java with Spring Cloud Services []
Time to upgrade:
>> Hibernate OGM 5.3 CR1 is out []
>> Spring Session 1.3.2 Released []
>> Spring Cloud Edgware.SR2 Released []
2. Technical and Musings
>> Traffic Shadowing With Istio: Reducing the Risk of Code Release []
A cool and practical example of traffic mirroring with Istio.
Also worth reading:
>> Executing Single Java Source Files with One Command []
>> Starting with Ethereum – Industrialization []
>> Bloom filters: when data structures get smart []
>> Integration with Zapier []
>> Who Killed The Junior Developer? []
>> E-Stop and Fuel, software that keeps you awake at night []
>> My War: Agency vs. Algorithm []
3. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week:
>> Anger Issues []
>> Wally Pivots []
>> A Brilliant Engineer []
4. Pick of the Week
Picking this very interesting “discussion” this week: