Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> Fumigating the IDEA Ultimate code using dataflow analysis []
A deep dive into the how code inspection in works in IntelliJ.
>> Immutable Versus Unmodifiable in JDK 10 []
An important concept to understand – an unmodifiable collection isn’t necessarily immutable.
Simply put, if the contained elements are mutable, the entire collection is clearly mutable, even though the collection itself might be unmodifiable.
>> Refining redirect semantics in the Servlet API []
Unfortunately, HttpServletResponse.sendRedirect() returns HTTP 302 instead of 303, so we may need to handle that manually if we need to implement the Post/Redirect/Get pattern.
Also worth reading:
>> IntelliJ IDEA starts 2018.1 Early Access Program []
>> On Oracle and Java EE []
>> Spring Boot 2: Migrating from Dropwizard metrics to Micrometer []
>> Kotlin 2017 Roundup and 2018 Outlook []
>> EE4J Code Begins the Journey to Open Source []
>> Faster Sorting of Arrays of Primitives Coming to Java? []
>> A Spring Data REST Primer Jan 21, 2018 []
>> 5 Tips for high-performance thread-safe Java from ConcurrentHashMap []
Webinars and presentations:
>> How to Build Spring Services for Cloud-native Platforms Using the Open Service Broker API []
>> CredHub and Secure Credential Management []
>> Cloud Foundry Networking: Enabling Direct Communication for Microservices []
>> PKS: The What and How of Enterprise-grade Kubernetes []
>> Fresh Async with Kotlin []
Time to upgrade:
>> Spring Framework 5.0.3 and 4.3.14 available now []
- >> Spring Cloud Skipper 1.0 RC1 Released []
>> Hibernate ORM 5.3.0.Beta1 release []
>> FlexyPool 2 has been released []
>> Spring Data Ingalls SR10 and Kay SR3 released []
>> Hibernate Search 5.9.0.CR1 was just released []
2. Technical and Musings
>> A Hypothetical Consulting Gig []
This is how an average consulting gig might look like
Also worth reading:
>> Don’t be fooled by 100% code coverage []
>> Should that be a Microservice? Keep These Six Factors in Mind []
>> Why Every Software Developer Should Become a Consultant []
>> When You Have A Blockchain, Everything Looks Like A Nail []
>> The Citizenship Argument []
3. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week: