1. Overview
In this article, we’ll introduce the java.util.Stack class and start looking at how we can make use of it.
The Stack is a generic data structure which represents a LIFO (last in, first out) collection of objects allowing for pushing/popping elements in constant time.
2. Creation
Let’s start by creating an empty instance of Stack, by using the default, no-argument constructor:
@Test public void whenStackIsCreated_thenItHasSize0() { Stack<Integer> intStack = new Stack(); assertEquals(0, intStack.size()); }
This will create a Stack with the default capacity of 10. If the number of added elements exceeds the total Stack size, it will be doubled automatically. However, its size will never shrink after removing elements.
3. Synchronization
Stack is a direct subclass of Vector; this means that similarly to its superclass, it’s a synchronized implementation.
However, synchronization isn’t always needed, in such cases, it’s advised to use ArrayDeque.
4. Adding
Let’s start by adding an element to the top of the Stack, with the push() method – which also returns the element that was added:
@Test public void whenElementIsPushed_thenStackSizeIsIncreased() { Stack<Integer> intStack = new Stack(); intStack.push(1); assertEquals(1, intStack.size()); }
Using push() method has the same effect as using addElement(). The only difference is that addElement() returns the result of the operation, instead of the element that was added.
We can also add multiple elements at once:
@Test public void whenMultipleElementsArePushed_thenStackSizeisIncreased() { Stack<Integer> intStack = new Stack(); List<Integer> intList = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); boolean result = intStack.addAll(intList); assertTrue(result); assertEquals(7, intList.size()); }
5. Retrieving
Next, let’s have a look at how to get and remove the last element in a Stack:
@Test public void whenElementIsPoppedFromStack_thenSizeChanges() { Stack<Integer> intStack = new Stack(); intStack.push(5); intStack.pop(); assertTrue(intStack.isEmpty()); }
We can also get the last element of the Stack without removing it:
@Test public void whenElementIsPeeked_thenElementIsNotRemoved() { Stack<Integer> intStack = new Stack(); intStack.push(5); intStack.peek(); assertEquals(1, intStack.search(5)); assertEquals(1, intStack.size()); }
6. Searching for an Element
6.1. Search
Stack allows us to search for an element and get its distance from the top:
@Test public void whenElementIsOnStack_thenSearchReturnsItsDistanceFromTheTop() { Stack<Integer> intStack = new Stack(); intStack.push(5); assertEquals(1, intStack.search(5)); }
The result is an index of given Object. If more than one Object is present, the index of Object closest to the top is returned. The item that is on the top of the stack is considered to be at position 1.
If the Object is not found, search() will return -1.
6.2. Getting Index of Element
To get an index of an element on the Stack, we can also use the indexOf() and lastIndexOf() methods:
@Test public void whenElementIsOnStack_thenIndexOfReturnsItsIndex() { Stack<Integer> intStack = new Stack(); intStack.push(5); int indexOf = intStack.indexOf(5); assertEquals(0, indexOf); }
The lastIndexOf() will always find the index of the element that’s closest to the top of the stack. This works very similarly to search() – with the important difference that it returns the index, instead of the distance from the top:
@Test public void whenMultipleElementsAreOnStack_thenIndexOfReturnsLastElementIndex() { Stack<Integer> intStack = new Stack(); intStack.push(5); intStack.push(5); intStack.push(5); int lastIndexOf = intStack.lastIndexOf(5); assertEquals(2, lastIndexOf); }
7. Removing Elements
Apart from the pop() operation, used both for removing and retrieving elements, we can also use multiple operations inherited from the Vector class to remove elements.
7.1. Removing Specified Elements
We can use the removeElement() method to remove the first occurrence of given element:
@Test public void whenRemoveElementIsInvoked_thenElementIsRemoved() { Stack<Integer> intStack = new Stack(); intStack.push(5); intStack.push(5); intStack.removeElement(5); assertEquals(1, intStack.size()); }
We can also use the removeElementAt() to delete elements under a specified index in the Stack:
@Test public void whenRemoveElementAtIsInvoked_thenElementIsRemoved() { Stack<Integer> intStack = new Stack(); intStack.push(5); intStack.push(7); intStack.removeElementAt(1); assertEquals(-1, intStack.search(7)); }
7.2. Removing Multiple Elements
Let’s have a quick look at how to remove multiple elements from a Stack using the removeAll() API – which will take a Collection as an argument and remove all matching elements from the Stack:
@Test public void whenRemoveAllIsInvoked_thenAllElementsFromCollectionAreRemoved() { Stack<Integer> intStack = new Stack(); List<Integer> intList = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); intStack.addAll(intList); intStack.add(500); intStack.removeAll(intList); assertEquals(1, intStack.size()); }
It’s also possible to remove all elements from the Stack using the clear() or removeAllElements() methods; both of those methods work the same:
@Test public void whenRemoveIfIsInvoked_thenAllElementsSatysfyingConditionAreRemoved() { Stack<Integer> intStack = new Stack(); List<Integer> intList = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); intStack.addAll(intList); intStack.removeIf(element -> element < 6); assertEquals(2, intStack.size()); }
7.3. Removing Elements Using Filter
We can also use a condition for removing elements from the Stack. Let’s see how to do this using the removeIf(), with a filter expression as an argument:
@Test public void whenRemoveIfIsInvoked_thenAllElementsSatysfyingConditionAreRemoved() { Stack<Integer> intStack = new Stack(); List<Integer> intList = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); intStack.addAll(intList); intStack.removeIf(element -> element < 6); assertEquals(2, intStack.size()); }
8. Iterating
Stack allows us to use both an Iterator and a ListIterator. The main difference is that the first one allows us to traverse Stack in one direction and second allows to do this in both directions:
@Test public void whenAnotherStackCreatedWhileTraversingStack_thenStacksAreEqual() { Stack<Integer> intStack = new Stack<>(); List<Integer> intList = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7); intStack.addAll(intList); ListIterator<Integer> it = intStack.listIterator(); Stack<Integer> result = new Stack(); while(it.hasNext()) { result.push(it.next()); } assertThat(result, equalTo(intStack)); }
All Iterators returned by Stack are fail-fast.
9. Stream API
A Stack is a collection, which means we can use it with Java 8 Streams API. Using Streams with the Stack is similar to using it with any other Collection:
@Test public void whenStackIsFiltered_allElementsNotSatisfyingFilterConditionAreDiscarded() { Stack<Integer> intStack = new Stack(); List<Integer> inputIntList = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,9,10); intStack.addAll(inputIntList); int[] intArray = intStack.stream() .mapToInt(element -> (int)element) .filter(element -> element <= 3) .toArray(); assertEquals(3, intArray.length); }
10. Summary
This tutorial was a quick guide to understanding the Java Stack. To learn more about this topic refer to Javadoc.
And, as always, all code samples can be found over on Github.