Lots of interesting writeups on Java 9 this week.
Here we go…
1. Spring and Java
>> Learning Java with jshell [javaspecialists.eu]
A Quick intro of JShell makes it possible to explore Java without public static void main() methods
>> Data Classes for Java [openjdk.java.net]
A comprehensive explanation of the new upcoming Java feature – data classes.
>> Hibernate Tips: How to map an entity attribute to an Optional [thoughts-on-java.org]
Unfortunately, Hibernate and JPA 2.2 don’t support Optional as an attribute type but with a little trick, we can still use Optional as the return type of getter methods.
>> Bean Validation benchmark revisited [in.relation.to]
An interesting performance comparison of three most popular Bean Validation implementations – Hibernate Validator 6.x.x is faster than ever.
Also worth reading:
>> Building Reactive Systems Using Akka’s Actor Model and Domain-Driven Design [infoq.com]
>> Prepare for Java SE 9 [blogs.oracle.com]
>> Turn Any Repo Into a Software Factory: Exploring Spring 5 and Kotlin [the-composition.com]
>> $ diff -q spring-data-gemfire spring-data-geode [spring.io]
>> Squeezing Another 10% Speed Increase out of jOOQ using JMC and JMH [blog.jooq.org]
>> The best way to map a @NaturalId business key with JPA and Hibernate [vladmihalcea.com]
>> Alternative navigator in Vaadin [blog.frankel.ch]
>> IntelliJ IDEA 2017.3 Public Preview [blog.jetbrains.com]
>> Mastering own Reactive-Streams implementation. Part 1 – Publisher [medium.com]
Webinars and presentations:
>> Disrupting Development Using Reactive Event Sourced Systems with Akka [infoq.com]
>> Spring Tips: Spring Shell [spring.io]
>> Homoiconicity: It Is What It Is [infoq.com]
Time to upgrade:
>> Spring Security 5.0.0.RC1 Released [spring.io]
>> Spring REST Docs 2.0.0.RC1 [spring.io]
>> Reactor Bismuth-SR3 is now available [spring.io]
>> Bugfix releases for Hibernate Search 5.6, 5.7 and 5.8 [in.relation.to]
>> Hibernate Validator 6.0.4.Final released [in.relation.to]
>> Spring Web Services 3.0.0.RELEASE / 2.4.2.RELEASE is out! [spring.io]
>> Spring Session 2.0.0.RC1 Released [spring.io]
>> Spring Tool Suite 3.9.1 Released [infoq.com]
2. Technical and Musings
>> Customize Your Agile Approach: Start With Results You Want [infoq.com]
Velocity is a current measure of capacity and not a measure of project progress – it makes more sense to track completed stories and not Story Points – the value of those change over time.
Also worth reading:
>> Applying the Blockchain in the Supply Chain Domain – Building a Blockchain-enabled Supply Chain Platform [blog.codecentric.de]
>> Using DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing With A Vague, Fast-Changing Domain [blog.sapiensworks.com]
>> Trust Your Pipeline: Automatically Testing an End-to-End Java Application [medium.com]
>> Managing the Difficulty of Coding Exercises [blog.code-cop.org]
>> Developing modern offline apps with ReactJS, Redux and Electron – Part 1 – Introduction [blog.codecentric.de]
>> Running a Successful Open Source Project [waynebeaton.wordpress.com]
>> Become a Software Specialist with the Help of Your Resume [daedtech.com]
3. Comics
And my favorite Dilberts of the week: