The Spring MVC project provides tools that can be used for fast development of web applications in the MVC architecture.
>> Spring MVC Tutorial
Starting at the top – this is a simple Spring MVC tutorial showing how to set up a Spring MVC project, both with Java-based configuration, as well as with XML-based configuration.
>> Spring MVC Setup with Kotlin
Here, we take a look at what it takes to create a simple Spring MVC project with the Kotlin language.
>> Model, ModelMap, and ModelView
We look at the use of the core org.springframework.ui.Model, org.springframework.ui.ModelMap and org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelView classes.
>> A Guide to the ViewResolver
A simple tutorial showing how to set up the most common view resolvers and how to use multiple ViewResolvers within the same configuration.
>> Content Negotiation
How to implement the content negotiation in a Spring MVC project.
>> File Upload
Here, we focus on what Spring offers for multipart (file upload) support in web applications.
>> A Quick Guide to Matrix Variables
We show how we can simplify complex GET requests that use either variable or optional path parameters inside the different path segments of a URI.
>> The @ModelAttribute Annotation
We demonstrate the usability and functionality of the annotation, through a common concept: a form submitted from a company’s employee.
>> Returning Image/Media Data
We illustrate how to return images and other media using the Spring MVC framework.
>> Using a Custom Handler Interceptor to Manage Sessions
We focus on the Spring MVC HandlerInterceptor – we show a more advanced use case for using interceptors – we emulate a session timeout logic by setting custom counters and tracking sessions manually.
>> Custom Validation
We create a custom validator to validate a form with a phone number field, then show a custom validator for multiple fields.
>> Getting Started with Forms
We have a look at Spring forms and data binding to a controller.
>> Introduction to HandlerInterceptor
We introduce the Spring MVC HandlerInterceptor and show how to use it properly.
>> The HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException
We have a look at the HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException exception and see cases where we might encounter it.
>> Cachable Static Assets
We dive into caching static assets (such as Javascript and CSS files) when serving them with Spring MVC.
>> Custom Error Pages
In this tutorial, we set up customized error pages for a few HTTP error codes.
>> Servlet 3 Async Support with Spring MVC and Spring Security
We focus on the Servlet 3 support for async requests, and how Spring MVC and Spring Security handle these.
>> A Custom Data Binder
Here, we show how we can use Spring’s Data Binding mechanism in order to make our code more clear and readable by applying automatic conversions.
>> HandlerAdapters
We focus on the various handler adapters implementations available in the Spring framework.
>> Upload and Display Excel Files
We demonstrate how to upload Excel files and display their content in a web page using the Spring MVC framework.
>> Testing an OAuth Secured API
We show how we can test an API which is secured using OAuth with the Spring MVC test support.
>> Form Validation with AngularJS
We have a look at implementing client-side validation of form input using AngularJS and server-side validation using the Spring MVC framework.
>> Quick Guide to Spring MVC with Velocity
We focus on using Velocity with a typical Spring MVC web application.
>> Introduction to Using FreeMarker in Spring MVC
How to configure FreeMarker for use in Spring MVC as an alternative to JSP.
>> Spring MVC + Thymeleaf 3.0: New Features
We discuss new features of Thymeleaf 3.0 in Spring MVC with Thymeleaf application.
>> CSRF Protection with Spring MVC and Thymeleaf
We show how to prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks in Spring MVC with Thymeleaf application.
>> Apache Tiles Integration with Spring MVC
In this article, we integrate Apache Tiles with Spring MVC.